Descriptions of APIs for St. Olaf-related information
- St. Olaf Directory in XML format
- St. Olaf Directory via LDAP
- St. Olaf alias members
- List of all St. Olaf aliases
- St. Olaf Room API (partial)
- BonApp cafe menus
- BonApp cafe hours
- BonApp food item details
- St. Olaf calendars
- KSTO stream status
- Course Data (partial)
- Building lat/long
- Building hours (regular)
- Building hours (breaks)
- Break dates
- Northfield Express live bus location
- St. Olaf user auth
- If we were able to make use of verifying a student username/password, we could create all kinds of neat interfaces that would work with student credentials.
- St. Olaf room reservations api
- Initially, just availability of a room at a time.
- Ideally, details of the reservation (title, duration, etc) and ability to reserve.
- Historic dates of graduation