Example of a service side of an application for a travel agency.
The application allows the user to search the database of travel arrangements of the travel agency. Search data includes travel type (winter, summer, trip, etc.), country, city, and search keyword. Maven Java Web application was build for working with TravelAgencyDB, as well as expose the data through the REST API so that it can be accessed from Android client application. Access to databases is performed via the JDBC API.
The operation of the service has been confirmed by the Postman client.
This are the major frameworks that are used to built this project.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
git clone https://github.com/StokicDusan/TravelAgencyService.git
JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:<PORT_USED_BY_MYSQL>/<NAME_OF_DB>?user=root&password=";
<PORT_USED_BY_MYSQL>: should be checked on the server (usually 3306 or 3308)
<NAME_OF_DB>: should be travelagencydb1 if database imported as is.
- Start the GlassFish server
- Build the project with dependencies
- Run project
Go to http://localhost:8080/TravelAgencyService to check that the app is up and running.
In the postman directory are collections of tests for all functionalities provided by the service.
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.