
RESTful API AspNetCore 2.2

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



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What is Shelfy ?

The main goal of this project, is to get to know the ASP.NET Core framework, concepts of REST, using good patterns and practices, used on a daily basis in the world of the software development.
Shelfy is RESTful API, backend for social cataloging apps, designed to help users to catalog books. Application allow collecting books, authors, reviews and can be accessed by any type of application(web, desktop, mobile applications). Application is based on ASP.NET Core 2.2 framework.

App using MongoDB database. Architecture type was implemented based on Onion Architecture.
In application have been used, repository, IoC, Depdency Injection patterns. Shelfy implements authorization(JWT Token) and authentication, password encryption, simply diagnostic logging(Serilog), domain & service exceptions handle by custom middleware. Unit and integration tests(Not completed). Integration with open-source build server called Travis-CI.

Application is not finished yet.


  • Complete tests !
  • User chat, current reading, read, want to read shelfs
  • AutoFac IoC Container, assembly scaning
  • Publish app to Azure/Digital Ocean
  • Front-end build with Angular or Aurelia
  • Recommendation system for Users
  • CQRS / Rabbit


In order to run Shelfy, you need to have installed:


Mongodb connections string is setup for 27017, default one for mongos instances.
In order to use custom settings, please edit appsettings.json file, located in Shelfy.API folder

How to start application

git clone https://github.com/StolarQQ/Shelfy.git
cd src/Shelfy.Api
dotnet restore 
dotnet run --urls "http://*:5001"

Application will be available under https://localhost:5001

Testing HTTP requests

You can find prepared Postman Collection of requests, in assets folder.
In case of tests, u can use database seeding endpoint.
After that, sign in with login credentials, listed below.

GET /admin/seed
POST /acccount/login

- User
  "email": "email1@gmail.com",
  "password": "secret123"
- Admin
  "email": "admin1@gmail.com",
  "password": "admin123"

Solution structure

  • Shelfy.Api - Actual HTTP API - Does reference to infrastructure project.
  • Shelfy.Infrastructure - Contains application services, repositories, dtos, mongo convetions, automapper configuration. Does reference to core project.
  • Shelfy.Core - Core of our application, contains domain models, and repositories interfaces.
    Does not reference any other project.
  • Shelfy.Tests - Unit tests.
  • Shelfy.EndToEnd - Integration tests.

Technology stack

  • .NET Core - an open source & cross-platform framework for building applications using C# language.
  • ASP.NET Core - is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected applications.