
MSBuild library for directly accessing non-public members in .NET assemblies.

Primary LanguageC#


Publicizer is an MSBuild library for allowing direct access to non-public members in referenced assemblies.


Use your IDE's package manager and reference Krafs.Publicizer from nuget.org.

Or add via the dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package Krafs.Publicizer

Or add directly to your project file:

    <PackageReference Include="Krafs.Publicizer" Version="1.0.2" />


Define Publicize-items in your project file to instruct Publicizer what to make public.

Publicize an entire assembly:

    <Publicize Include="AssemblyOne" />

Doing this will publicize all the assembly's containing members.

Make sure you type the assembly name without the file extension, i.e. without '.dll'.

Publicize a specific member:

    <Publicize Include="AssemblyOne:MyNamespace.MyType._privateField" />

Exclude members:

You can use DoNotPublicize-items to exclude members from being made public. These items can be used in conjunction with Publicize-items to publicize an entire assembly except a few members. This can be useful when two members collide when publicized.

    <Publicize Include="AssemblyOne" />
    <DoNotPublicize Include="AssemblyOne:MyNamespace.MyType._privateField" />

Multiple includes

As with most Items, you can include multiple patterns with semi-colons:

    <Publicize Include="AssemblyOne;AssemblyTwo;AssemblyThree" />

Publicize assemblies from a PackageReference

PackageReferences, like other kinds of References, point towards one or more underlying assemblies. Publicizing these assemblies is just a matter of finding out what the underlying assemblies are called, and then specify them the same way as above.

Below is an example of publicizing two assemblies from the package Krafs.Rimworld.Ref:

    <PackageReference Include="Krafs.Publicizer" Version="1.0.2" />
    <PackageReference Include="Krafs.Rimworld.Ref" Version="1.3.3200" />

    <Publicize Include="Assembly-CSharp;UnityEngine.CoreModule" />

Publicize All

You can use this shorthand property to publicize all assemblies referenced by the project:


Save the project file and the changes should take effect shortly. If not, try performing a Restore.

How Publicizer works

Publicizer works by copying the referenced assemblies into memory, rewriting the access modifiers to public, and feeding those assemblies to the compiler instead of the real ones. Publicized assemblies are cached in obj for future builds.

Additionally, the project's assembly is compiled as unsafe. Among other things, this tells the runtime to not enforce access checks. Without this, accessing an unpermitted member at runtime throws a MemberAccessException.

This means that you do NOT have to specify AllowUnsafeBlocks=true in your project file. Publicizer does this for you under the hood.

By default, Publicizer additionally creates the new assemblies as reference assemblies. This reduces build times and memory usage. However, if you use your IDE's decompilation feature to inspect code, you may want to turn that off, or you will just see empty methods. Do that by specifying this property:



This project builds upon rwmt's Publicise, simplyWiri's TaskPubliciser, and this gist by Zetrith.
