
The ESL project of furrtek, with board, apk and hex files

Primary LanguageJava


The Eagle project of the esl project + apk and hex files

(c) Found the entire project here (not the v1 but u can found it on the web archive): http://furrtek.free.fr/?a=esl


  • Web version of the app (Capability to change page)
  • Decompile the app ✅ (Now we will spend many hours to understand the code...)

Included :

  • All needed files to modify the project
  • BOM (in /pcb/)
  • Prog files & source (not commented) for the APK (in /android/apk/)

To use it :

  1. Buy the pcb then solder every composants.
  2. Flash the Attiny85 with phxtx1.hex with these fuses :
  • Low: 0xEF, High: 0xDD, Extended: 0xFF
  1. Install pricehax15.apk on your phone (only Android at this time)
  2. Plug the jack cable in your phone, launch the app and vouala !

Some img's :



To dot it, you will need :


Components list
x1 Attiny85 x1 78L05 regulator
x2 100µF capacitor x1 10nF ceramic capacitor
x2 22pF ceramic capacitor x1 3.3nF ceramic capacitor
x1 10k resistor x1 100k resistor
x1 3.3k resistor x1 10MHz quartz
x1 220ohm resistor x1 47ohm resistor
x1 SFH485P IR LED - 880NM x1 9v battery clip
x1 2N2222 transistor x1 SPDT Switch
x1 A randomly chosen diode

This version work finely !

(c) @furrtek & @StoneSet & @lefuturiste - http://furrtek.free.fr/?a=esl - http://stoneset.github.io/ (2019)

Prog infos etc here : https://github.com/Jonas1312/Pricehax

plz do not steal, i'm not the owner of this project, i'm only the owner of this pcb. Have fun !