
Gamecube controller to N64 adapter firmware

Primary LanguageC

Gamecube controller to N64 adapter firmware

Project summary

A common problem with the N64 controllers is the joystick. It wears down and become unusable. Gamecube controllers do not have this problem and are a good alternative but an adapter is required.

I have been asked many times if I could design an adapter for using Gamecube controllers on N64 systems, and this project is the result.

For the latest build information, schematics and instructions, visit the project homepage:


See changelog.txt

Compilation instructions

Linux specific. To compile you will need avr-gcc, avr-libc, make, and srecord. To compile, just type make.


Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Raphael Assenat raph@raphnet.net

Source code licensed under the General Public License. See gpl.txt for details.