
Simple goal: Translate the CCP leaked database into English and make all the data available, unfiltered, for everyone to see.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple goal: Translate the CCP leaked database into English and make all the data available, unfiltered, for everyone to see.

Note: GitHub has placed a bandwidth cap on the repository's CSV (LFS) files. As a result we have now moved our repository to Codeberg.org.

Input Data:


  1. The leaked csv file should be in the /Data directory.
  2. Then SplitFileIntoParts.py is run to split the file into 40 separate files of 50,000 lines.


Run TranslateCSVPartials.py with python3. You can change the input file range to target specific files to process.


inputFileRange = [*range(1, 41)]  # all files from 1-40
inputFileRange = [1,2]  # specific files


  • TBD: Reference MergeFiles.py



  • Migrated repository to Codeberg.org
  • A few individuals have been running TranslateCSVPartials.py against the google translate service. Google has been heavily throttling us. So far we are only about halfway done.

Future work:

Analysis and Reporting