In this demo, you will see a set of REST APIs capable of reading a JSON data deployed on a server and returning information by using a collection of simple HTTP requests using postman.
You need to install a storeak nuget package (Storeak.Api.Core) using link on your web api project where you can access important libraries thats need for project like
- Generic repository pattern,
- Custom required attributes,
- Trackable dto,
- Paging methods,
- Filters,
- Logging methods
- Api Custom response methods.
This package will help us to avoid repeated code thats need in every api project and make projects fast development.
You need to create environment variable for making connection string. Storeak Core nuget package get these variables and make connection string for your project.
to add these varables:
- run "edit the system environment variables" from start menu
Click on "Environment Variables" button
Under System variables add the following:
- AzurePool_DataSource : Database Server Name
- AzurePool_UserID : Database Server User Id
- AzurePool_Password : Database Server Password
- enco : set to empty
- Then create SQL Server Database by running Update-Database command from Package Manager Console in VS
- wwwroot/App_Data have xml file that handle multilanguage messages.
- Application/BusinessUseCases have (Create,Update,Delete) Operations
- Application/Queries have select operations.
- Application/UnitOfWork have the repositories.
- Controllers have the apis crud.
- Infrastructure/DataModels have database entities(DTO).
- Infrastructure/Mapping have configuration of entities.
- Infrastructure/DemoContext have dbset with entity configuration (mapping) also inherit with core store db context class to inherit all db methods for database interaction.
- Infrastructure/ResponseMessages have messages variables that return message based on language (Multilanguage handling) that created in xml file.
- Models have Api Request and Response models.
- MapperProfile have the auto mapping between the entities and models.
- Startup is inherit core startup class and configure your project setting(dependencies resolver,mappers,database etc)
you can download a Postman collection that wrapp this project apis from this link