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Storeak Demo API (Web Api Project)

In this demo, you will see a set of REST APIs capable of reading a JSON data deployed on a server and returning information by using a collection of simple HTTP requests using postman.

Nuget Package Requirement:

You need to install a storeak nuget package (Storeak.Api.Core) using link https://storeak-nuget-service.azurewebsites.net/nuget on your web api project where you can access important libraries thats need for project like

  • Generic repository pattern,
  • Custom required attributes,
  • Trackable dto,
  • Paging methods,
  • Filters,
  • Logging methods
  • Api Custom response methods.

This package will help us to avoid repeated code thats need in every api project and make projects fast development.

Database & Environment Configuration:

You need to create environment variable for making connection string. Storeak Core nuget package get these variables and make connection string for your project.

to add these varables:

  • run "edit the system environment variables" from start menu

alt text

  • Click on "Environment Variables" button

  • Under System variables add the following:

  • AzurePool_DataSource : Database Server Name
  • AzurePool_UserID : Database Server User Id
  • AzurePool_Password : Database Server Password
  • enco : set to empty
  • Then create SQL Server Database by running Update-Database command from Package Manager Console in VS

Project Folder Structure (Demo project):

  • wwwroot/App_Data have xml file that handle multilanguage messages.
  • Application/BusinessUseCases have (Create,Update,Delete) Operations
  • Application/Queries have select operations.
  • Application/UnitOfWork have the repositories.
  • Controllers have the apis crud.
  • Infrastructure/DataModels have database entities(DTO).
  • Infrastructure/Mapping have configuration of entities.
  • Infrastructure/DemoContext have dbset with entity configuration (mapping) also inherit with core store db context class to inherit all db methods for database interaction.
  • Infrastructure/ResponseMessages have messages variables that return message based on language (Multilanguage handling) that created in xml file.
  • Models have Api Request and Response models.
  • MapperProfile have the auto mapping between the entities and models.
  • Startup is inherit core startup class and configure your project setting(dependencies resolver,mappers,database etc)

Postman Collection

you can download a Postman collection that wrapp this project apis from this link