
Backend for a web node.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status Coverage Status

web-core, a filehost web app, that allows anyone to upload files via an API. Files are hashed and uploaded to public file hosting. Using the hashes a node can look up the information of where that file was stored using the Florincoin blockchain. This makes a file uploaded to MetaDisk accessible through any node in the network.

  • Coded in Python and Flask, a Python microframework for web.
  • Must be run on a Linux based web server, Debian distro recommended.

Web interface

If you wish to use this in a browser, take a look at MetaDisk. It is a web interface, composed of only html, css and javascript, powered by the web-core API.


This project depends on several other projects:

  • plowshare-wrapper provides a python interface to upload and download files from popular file hosting sites. It is a python wrapper of the plowshare tool.

  • cloud-manager contains most of the file handling logic. It keeps track of all the uploaded files, keeps track of the files present in local cache, and handles database serialization.

  • metachains is a wrapper for the Florincoin client, using json RPC. It also contains a synchronization class, which allows one to synchronize data from and to the blockchain.

  • file-encryptor is an encryption package that implements convergent encryption using HMAC-SHA256 and AES128-CTR.

This project puts everything together and makes it accessible through a web application. It uses cloudmanager to manage all uploads/downloads, and metachains-dtc to enable synchronization of the hosted content information between nodes running MetaDisk. All uploaded files are encrypted using file-encryptor.

Synchronization note

Keep in mind that the upload command spends Florincoins, so be careful when using it.

Transfer cost

Each time you upload or download a file, credit is removed from your account. The credited values vary wether you are uploading or downloading a file, and if the file is already present on the server or not.

Uploading a file of B bytes will cost you 4 * B bytes of credit. One time for the upload transfer and three times for the cloud hosting transfer.

Downloading a file of B bytes will cost you 2 * B bytes of credit if the file is not on the server's local cache. If it is, this value will be reduced to B bytes of credit.


Check INSTALL.md for installation instructions.

API documentation

Upload a file to the cloud manager:

POST /api/upload
- file

Download a file from the cloud manager identified by the given file hash:

GET /api/download/<filehash>
- filehash

Retrieve information regarding a given file hash:

GET /api/find/<filehash>
- filehash

Error results:
{ "error": "File not found" }

Normal result:
    "datetime": "1398875062",
    "filehash": "b17fee6427ee665eb54159762fe03847792af1d94bf6769b82f95b95e82975d2",
    "filename": "b17fee6_WhatisStorj.pdf",
    "filesize": 337748,
    "uploads": [
            "host_name": "ge_tt",
            "url": "http://ge.tt/162T7Ef1/v/0"
            "host_name": "gfile_ru",
            "url": "http://gfile.ru/a4WfC"
            "host_name": "rghost",
            "url": "http://rghost.net/54761561"
    "version": "0.2"

Retrieve node information, including storage, transfer limits, synchronization status, florincoin information. All sizes are in bytes.

GET /api/status
Parameters: None

Normal result:
        "bandwidth": {
            "total": {
                "incoming": 792431,
                "outgoing": 953218
            "current": {
                "incoming": 192746,
                "outgoing": 547291
            "limits": {
                "incoming": 1048576,
                "outgoing": 2097152

        "storage": {
            "capacity":      67108864,
            "used":          5909746,
            "max_file_size": 1048576

        "sync": {
            "blockchain_queue": {
                "count": 73,
                "size":  912834
            "cloud_queue": {
                "count": 12,
                "size":  6572

        "datacoin": {
            "balance": 1.05,
            "address": "DPhb7Pe1Ur6nWzLYBC1SeV8xAGCrYGMLVn"

Token API Documentation

Public API (doesn't require authentication)

Generate a new access token:

POST /accounts/token/new
Parameters: None

Normal result:
    "token": "adF7WFCpQR2EvFkG"

Retrieve node bandwidth prices:

GET /accounts/token/prices
Parameters: None

Normal result:
    "prices": [
        { "amount": 107374182400,  "cost": 500  },
        { "amount": 1073741824000, "cost": 5000 }

Retrieve the transfer byte balance for a given access token:

GET /accounts/token/balance/<access_token>
Parameters: None

Normal result:
    "balance": 1675029880

Redeem a promocode for the given access token:

POST /accounts/token/redeem/<access_token>
- promocode

Error results:
{ "status": "error" }

Normal result:
{ "status": "ok" }

Private API (requires authentication)

Deposits the given amount of bytes to the given access token:

POST /accounts/token/deposit/<access_token>
- bytes

- Authentication: <SECRET_KEY>

Error results:
{ "status": "invalid-authentication" }
{ "status": "bad-request" }

Normal result:
{ "status": "ok" }

Withdraws the given amount of bytes from the given access token:

POST /accounts/token/withdraw/<access_token>
- bytes

- Authentication: <SECRET_KEY>

Error results:
{ "status": "invalid-authentication" }
{ "status" : "bad-request" }
{ "status" : "balance-insufficient"}

Normal result:
{ "status": "ok" }