
Server Side Encryption

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Server Side Convergent Encryption
Should be the default encryption method for all files. Simply put the file should be encrypted on the server with the hash of the file, and then uploaded to the public file hosts.

User Defined Encryption
The user should have the option to provide a passphrase to the server on upload. This should be used as the appended as salt to the hash for the encryption. Will have to add a field to the json data to say that the file is encrypted this way. Also will have to add something to the interface, so that the user can enter this passphrase on download.

These methods should protect against attacks by storing data on external sources. We will further decentralize this process later.

All files are encrypted using convergent encryption.
This requires that the user provides the key on download (provided a passphrase or not).
This key is currently being placed in the download query string.
The interface may need some changes to make this work correctly.