• make sure that the ISBN are unique
  • An author can publish several book. Clicking on the an author should take you to a page that has the books that is published by the authors that is on it website (Django relationships)
  • Research and read about Database normalization
  • Many-to-many relations. From the Django interface, the user should be able to create a collection that will have many books within it. There should also be a page that can display individual collection.
  • The collection should display what date and time a book was added to a collection.
  • read more on ipdb to play around with python shell why running the server for your django website
  • learn the use of SlugFields to pass the slugs as URLs of the collection and the book and use them to filter your data in your view
  • Work on adding user login authentication to your library app. You should use ancustomized login page instead of one provided for by default in Django