
A small utility package for seeding a mysql database

Primary LanguageGo


Utility for seeding a MySQL database with Go. Useful during testing.

This package supports 2 types of MySQL seeding, both requires a path to a .sql file.

  1. Seeding via MySQL Command Line Tool: Initialize a import using your locally installed MySQL CLT.

  2. Seeding via *sql.DB struct: Start an import of the specified file using a *sql.DB struct.

The .sql file should contain one or more valid MySQL statements. To be able to execute multiple statements at a time, each statement must end with a ;. If you are using option 2 above the SQL connection must use multiStatements=true to be able to run more than one statement at a time.


Install the package with:

go get github.com/Storytel/go-mysql-seed

Once installed import it to your code:

import mysqlseed "github.com/Storytel/go-mysql-seed"


This package is especially useful for testing. go-mysql-seed allows you to seed new database instances.

Note: The path to the .sql file is recommended to be absolute. The following snippet can be modified and used if you are uncertain.

fmt.Sprintf("%s/src/github.com/Storytel/go-example-service/%s.sql", filepath.ToSlash(os.Getenv("GOPATH")), seedFileName)

Below is a typical and simple example using go-docker-initiator in a test using the *sql.DB struct.

package example_test

import (

	mysqlseed "github.com/Storytel/go-mysql-seed"

func TestDatabaseIntegration(t *testing.T) {
	// Establish a database connection
	db, err := InitAndCreateDatabase()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	defer db.Close()

	// Run DB seeds
	err = mysqlseed.ApplySeedWithDB(db, "/path/to/my-seed-file.sql")
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	// Setup your service and inject the database
	exampleService := ExampleService{
		Db: db,

	// Test your integration
	_, err = exmapleService.Create()
	assert.NoError(t, err)

You can also apply a seed with the MySQL Command Line Tool.

package example_test

import (

	mysqlseed "github.com/Storytel/go-mysql-seed"

func TestDatabaseIntegration(t *testing.T) {
	// Establish a database connection
	db, err := InitAndCreateDatabase()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	defer db.Close()

	// Run DB seeds
	err = mysqlseed.ApplySeedWithCmd("", "root", "password", "testdb", "/path/to/my-seed-file.sql")
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	// Setup your service and inject the database
	exampleService := ExampleService{
		Db: db,

	// Test your integration
	_, err = exmapleService.Create()
	assert.NoError(t, err)

Storytel Go

https://github.com/Storytel/go-docker-initiator - Utility for starting docker containers from Go.