
Ansible role to setup and run WSGI applications

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Galaxy

Ansible role which deploys wsgi application (uwsgi/gunicorn, nginx, virtualenv)

  • Install and setup nginx, uwsgi/gunicorn;
  • Setup and manage project requirements and virtualenv;
  • Deploy project with wsgi/gunicorn, enable monitoring;
  • Support multiple WSGI applications;

Requirements & Dependencies


The role variables and default values.

wsgi_enabled: yes                                     # Enable the role

wsgi_user: "{{deploy_user|default(ansible_user)}}"    # An user to run WSGI applications
wsgi_group: "{{deploy_group|default(wsgi_user)}}"     # A group to run WSGI applications
wsgi_server: uwsgi                                    # A server which provide wsgi integration (uwsgi/gunicorn)
wsgi_proxy: nginx                                     # A proxy http server (nginx)
wsgi_proxy_params: |
  proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
wsgi_reload: no                                       # Reload servers when code changes

wsgi_pip_packages: []                                 # Pip packages to install

wsgi_applications:                                    # Setup your wsgi application here
- name: "{{deploy_app_name|default('wsgi')}}"

# Default virtualenv options
wsgi_virtualenv: "{{deploy_dir|default('/opt/wsgi')}}/env"
wsgi_virtualenv_python: python

wsgi_service: upstart

# UWSGI default options (can be redefined for each wsgi app)
wsgi_uwsgi_enable_threads: no
wsgi_uwsgi_read_timeout: 300
wsgi_uwsgi_processes: 4
wsgi_uwsgi_max_requests: 2000
wsgi_uwsgi_no_orphans: yes
wsgi_uwsgi_options: []

# Gunicorn default options (can be redefined for each wsgi app)
wsgi_gunicorn_command: gunicorn
wsgi_gunicorn_worker: sync
wsgi_gunicorn_workers: 4

# Nginx default options (can be redefined for each wsgi app)
wsgi_nginx_port: 80                                   # Default port to listen
wsgi_nginx_redirect_www: no                           # Redirect www.servername to servername
wsgi_nginx_options: []
wsgi_nginx_servernames: "{{inventory_hostname}}"      # Listen servernames (separated by space)
wsgi_nginx_ssl: no                                    # Set yes to enable SSL
wsgi_nginx_ssl_protocols: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2       # Enabled SSL protocols
wsgi_nginx_ssl_crt:                                   # Path to certificate bundle
wsgi_nginx_ssl_key:                                   # Path to certificate key
wsgi_nginx_ssl_port: 443
wsgi_nginx_ssl_redirect: no                           # Redirect to SSL port
wsgi_nginx_static_locations: [/static/, /media/]

# Logging options
wsgi_log_rotate: yes                                   # Rotate wsgi logs.
- "create 644 {{wsgi_user}} {{wsgi_group}}"
- compress
- copytruncate
- daily
- dateext
- rotate 7
- size 10M


Clone dependencies. Add Stouts.wsgi to your roles and change variables in your playbook file.


- hosts: all

  - Stouts.wsgi

    - name: facebook
        nginx_servernames: www.facebook.com facebook.com
        file: /opt/facebook/wsgi.py
    - name: twitter
        server: gunicorn
        nginx_servernames: twitter.com
        module: twitter:app


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!