
Patch repository for Tango.

Primary LanguagePython

Tango patch repository

This is the repository from which Tango is able to load patches from.

Submitting a patch

Each patch is placed in its own directory in this repository, with a uniquely identifying name for it. A patch must contain a valid info.toml file, as well as versioned patch files (.bps only).


info.toml contains metadata about your patch. You must have this file to identify your patch.

The [patch] section

The first (and only) section in info.toml is [patch].

The title field

The human-readable title of your patch. This will be displayed to users in the UI.

The authors field

The list of authors for your patch, formatted as Your Name <your@email.address>.

The source field

The URL to the source of the patch.

The license field

The license for the patch as an SPDX license identifier. If this is not present, the license is assumed to be UNLICENSED.

The [versions] section

The versions section contains metadata for each version of your patch. The versions must follow Semantic Versioning.

Version sections are of the format [versions.'x.y.z'] (note the single quotes!).

The netplay_compatibility field

A string which, if other patches also have set to the same value, allows netplay between them: e.g. all patches with a netplay_compatibility of bn6 may netplay with each other.

Your patch directory

You must place your patch in your directory versioned with Semantic Versioning, prefixed with v. For example, if you are releasing version 1.0.1 of your patch, you must label the directory as v1.0.1. Within the directory, you must place patches for each ROM you support. For instance, if you intend to support Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar, you must name the patch BR6E_00.bps: BR6E is the game ID and 00 is the revision (this is usually 00).

You may also include a plaintext file named README that will be displayed in the patch information in the Tango launcher.

Once a patch version is submitted, you may not delete it unless it contains sensitive information. This is such to ensure replays on older versions may always be played.