
Build and Deploy a Modern Next.js Application | React, Next JS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Banner
typescript nextdotjs tailwindcss

A Car Showcase Website

  1. πŸ€– Introduction
  2. βš™οΈ Tech Stack
  3. πŸ”‹ Features
  4. 🀸 Quick Start
  5. πŸ•ΈοΈ Snippets
  6. πŸ”— Links

Developed with Next.js and leveraging its server-side rendering capabilities, the Car Showcase website presents various car types, showcasing comprehensive information in a well-designed format with advanced filtering and pagination support for an enhanced user experience.

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS

πŸ‘‰ Home Page: Showcases a visually appealing display of cars fetched from a third-party API, providing a captivating introduction to the diverse range of vehicles available.

πŸ‘‰ Exploration and Filtering: Explore a wide variety of cars from around the world, utilizing a search and filter system based on criteria such as model, manufacturer, year, fuel type, and make.

πŸ‘‰ Transition to Server-Side Rendering: A seamless transition from client-side rendering to server-side rendering, enhancing performance and providing a smoother browsing experience.

πŸ‘‰ Pagination: For easy navigation through a large dataset of cars, allowing users to explore multiple pages effortlessly.

πŸ‘‰ Metadata Optimization and SEO: Optimize metadata for car listing, enhancing search engine optimization (SEO) and ensuring better visibility on search engine results pages.

πŸ‘‰ TypeScript Types: Utilize TypeScript to provide robust typing for enhanced code quality and better development

πŸ‘‰ Responsive Website Design: The website is designed to be visually pleasing and responsive, ensuring an optimal user experience across various devices.

and many more, including code architecture and reusability

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Cloning the Repository

git clone https://github.com/Strange1108/Car_Show.git
cd Car_Show


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a new file named .env in the root of your project and add the following content:


Replace the placeholder values with your actual credentials. You can obtain these credentials by signing up on the corresponding websites from Rapid API to Imagin Cars

Running the Project

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.

export const manufacturers = [
  "Alfa Romeo",
  "Aston Martin",
  "Land Rover",

export const yearsOfProduction = [
  { title: "Year", value: "" },
  { title: "2015", value: "2015" },
  { title: "2016", value: "2016" },
  { title: "2017", value: "2017" },
  { title: "2018", value: "2018" },
  { title: "2019", value: "2019" },
  { title: "2020", value: "2020" },
  { title: "2021", value: "2021" },
  { title: "2022", value: "2022" },
  { title: "2023", value: "2023" },

export const fuels = [
    title: "Fuel",
    value: "",
    title: "Gas",
    value: "Gas",
    title: "Electricity",
    value: "Electricity",

export const footerLinks = [
    title: "About",
    links: [
      { title: "How it works", url: "/" },
      { title: "Featured", url: "/" },
      { title: "Partnership", url: "/" },
      { title: "Bussiness Relation", url: "/" },
    title: "Company",
    links: [
      { title: "Events", url: "/" },
      { title: "Blog", url: "/" },
      { title: "Podcast", url: "/" },
      { title: "Invite a friend", url: "/" },
    title: "Socials",
    links: [
      { title: "Discord", url: "/" },
      { title: "Instagram", url: "/" },
      { title: "Twitter", url: "/" },
      { title: "Facebook", url: "/" },
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Manrope:wght@200;300;400;500;600;700;800&display=swap");

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  font-family: "Manrope", sans-serif;

/* START: General styles */
.max-width {
  @apply max-w-[1440px] mx-auto;

.padding-x {
  @apply sm:px-16 px-6;

.padding-y {
  @apply py-4;

.flex-center {
  @apply flex items-center justify-center;

.flex-between {
  @apply flex justify-between items-center;

.custom-btn {
  @apply flex flex-row relative justify-center items-center py-3 px-6 outline-none;
/* END: General styles */

/* START: Hero styles */
.hero {
  @apply flex xl:flex-row flex-col gap-5 relative z-0 max-w-[1440px] mx-auto;

.hero__title {
  @apply 2xl:text-[72px] sm:text-[64px] text-[50px] font-extrabold;

.hero__subtitle {
  @apply text-[27px] text-black-100 font-light mt-5;

.hero__image-container {
  @apply xl:flex-[1.5] flex justify-end items-end w-full xl:h-screen;

.hero__image {
  @apply relative xl:w-full w-[90%] xl:h-full h-[590px] z-0;

.hero__image-overlay {
  @apply absolute xl:-top-24 xl:-right-1/2 -right-1/4 bg-hero-bg bg-repeat-round -z-10 w-full xl:h-screen h-[590px] overflow-hidden;
/* END: Hero styles */

/* START: Home styles */

.home__text-container {
  @apply flex flex-col items-start justify-start gap-y-2.5 text-black-100;

.home__filters {
  @apply mt-12 w-full flex-between items-center flex-wrap gap-5;

.home__filter-container {
  @apply flex justify-start flex-wrap items-center gap-2;

.home__cars-wrapper {
  @apply grid 2xl:grid-cols-4 xl:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1 w-full gap-8 pt-14;

.home__error-container {
  @apply mt-16 flex justify-center items-center flex-col gap-2;
/* END: Home styles */

/* START: Car Card styles */
.car-card {
  @apply flex flex-col p-6 justify-center items-start text-black-100 bg-primary-blue-100 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-md rounded-3xl;

.car-card__content {
  @apply w-full flex justify-between items-start gap-2;

.car-card__content-title {
  @apply text-[22px] leading-[26px] font-bold capitalize;

.car-card__price {
  @apply flex mt-6 text-[32px] leading-[38px] font-extrabold;

.car-card__price-dollar {
  @apply self-start text-[14px] leading-[17px] font-semibold;

.car-card__price-day {
  @apply self-end text-[14px] leading-[17px] font-medium;

.car-card__image {
  @apply relative w-full h-40 my-3 object-contain;

.car-card__icon-container {
  @apply flex group-hover:invisible w-full justify-between text-grey;

.car-card__icon {
  @apply flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-2;

.car-card__icon-text {
  @apply text-[14px] leading-[17px];

.car-card__btn-container {
  @apply hidden group-hover:flex absolute bottom-0 w-full z-10;
/* END: Car Card styles */

/* START: Car Details styles */
.car-details__dialog-panel {
  @apply relative w-full max-w-lg max-h-[90vh] overflow-y-auto transform rounded-2xl bg-white p-6 text-left shadow-xl transition-all flex flex-col gap-5;

.car-details__close-btn {
  @apply absolute top-2 right-2 z-10 w-fit p-2 bg-primary-blue-100 rounded-full;

.car-details__main-image {
  @apply relative w-full h-40 bg-pattern bg-cover bg-center rounded-lg;
/* END: Car Details styles */

/* START: Custom Filter styles */
.custom-filter__btn {
  @apply relative w-full min-w-[127px] flex justify-between items-center cursor-default rounded-lg bg-white py-2 px-3 text-left shadow-md sm:text-sm border;

.custom-filter__options {
  @apply absolute mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm;
/* END: Custom Filter styles */

/* START: Footer styles */
.footer {
  @apply flex flex-col text-black-100  mt-5 border-t border-gray-100;

.footer__links-container {
  @apply flex max-md:flex-col flex-wrap justify-between gap-5 sm:px-16 px-6 py-10;

.footer__rights {
  @apply flex flex-col justify-start items-start gap-6;

.footer__links {
  @apply flex-1 w-full flex md:justify-end flex-wrap max-md:mt-10 gap-20;

.footer__link {
  @apply flex flex-col gap-6 text-base min-w-[170px];

.footer__copyrights {
  @apply flex justify-between items-center flex-wrap mt-10 border-t border-gray-100 sm:px-16 px-6 py-10;

.footer__copyrights-link {
  @apply flex-1 flex sm:justify-end justify-center max-sm:mt-4 gap-10;
/* END: Footer styles */

/* START: searchbar styles */
.searchbar {
  @apply flex items-center justify-start max-sm:flex-col w-full relative max-sm:gap-4 max-w-3xl;

.searchbar__item {
  @apply flex-1 max-sm:w-full flex justify-start items-center relative;

.searchbar__input {
  @apply w-full h-[48px] pl-12 p-4 bg-light-white rounded-r-full max-sm:rounded-full outline-none cursor-pointer text-sm;
/* END: searchbar styles */

/* START: search manufacturer styles */
.search-manufacturer {
  @apply flex-1 max-sm:w-full flex justify-start items-center;

.search-manufacturer__input {
  @apply w-full h-[48px] pl-12 p-4 rounded-l-full max-sm:rounded-full bg-light-white outline-none cursor-pointer text-sm;

.search-manufacturer__options {
  @apply absolute mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm;

.search-manufacturer__option {
  @apply cursor-default select-none py-2 pl-10 pr-4;
/* END: search manufacturer styles */
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
  mode: "jit",
  theme: {
    extend: {
      fontFamily: {
        inter: ["Inter", "sans-serif"],
      colors: {
        "black-100": "#2B2C35",
        "primary-blue": {
          DEFAULT: "#2B59FF",
          100: "#F5F8FF",
        "secondary-orange": "#f79761",
        "light-white": {
          DEFAULT: "rgba(59,60,152,0.03)",
          100: "rgba(59,60,152,0.02)",
        grey: "#747A88",
      backgroundImage: {
        'pattern': "url('/pattern.png')",
        'hero-bg': "url('/hero-bg.png')"
  plugins: [],

Assets used in the project are here