
Test exercise for revolut position

Primary LanguageJava

RESTful API (including data model and the backing implementation) for money transfers between accounts

Uses H2DB database with default data of 2 accounts:

ID Amount
1 2
100.0 200.0

REST API Definition

GET /accounts/:id - returns information about current amount for the specified account id
Response status Response content Description
200 {"id": String, "amount": String} Account exists, success
404 {"error": String} Account with specified does not exist
500 {"error": String, "frames": [String]} Error has occurred
POST /transfers - makes a transfer of the specifide amount between specifiede accounts
  "sourceAccountId": String,
  "targetAccountId": String,
  "amount": String
Response status Response content Description
204 No content Transfer successful
404 {"error": String} One of the specified accounts doesn't exist, error field contains the details of which one is missing
400 {"error": String, "frames": [String]} Either request JSON is invalid or doesn't match expected schema, or source and target accounts are the same, or specified amount is less than or equal to zero
403 {"error": String} Transfer can't be processed due to insufficient funds on the source account
500 {"error": String, "frames": [String]} Error has occurred


This application requires JDK 8 and gradle 5+

gradle clean build
java -jar build/libs/revolut-1.0.jar


These properties are configurable at application.properties to modify startup port and database connection details:
