Test task


Say we have an e-commerce site with products divided into categories like toys, electronics etc. We receive events like product was seen (impression), product page was opened, product was purchased etc.

Task #1:

Enrich incoming data with user sessions. Definition of a session: for each user, it contains consecutive events that belong to a single category and are not more than 5 minutes away from each other. Output should look like this: eventTime, eventType, category, userId, …, sessionId, sessionStartTime, sessionEndTime
Implement it using 1) sql window functions and 2) Spark aggregator.

Task #2:

Compute the following statistics:

  • For each category find median session duration
  • For each category find # of unique users spending less than 1 min, 1 to 5 mins and more than 5 mins
  • For each category find top 10 products ranked by time spent by users on product pages - this may require different type of sessions. For this particular task, session lasts until the user is looking at particular product. When particular user switches to another product the new session starts.


Task #1


This task has been implemented using two different approaches:

Both of this implementation have same trait SessionEnricher to make it easier to test both of this implementation and make it easier to use them interchangeably.


Both implementation have same test cases which can be found in EnricherAbstractTest - basic test for both implementation which can be found in SqlWindowSessionEnricherTest for SQL Window Function implementation and in SqlAggregatorSessionEnricherTest for Spark Aggregator implementation Files which are used for testing are present in test/resources folder

Task #2


All tasks are implemented using raw SQL queries and DataFrame. All methods can be found in SessionStatsCalculator


All tests can be found in single file SessionStatsCalculatorTest File all.csv which are used for testing is present in test/resources folder



  • Build script is present in build.sh which should be used to build application and create fat-jar which will be used for app execution
  • Run script is present in run.sh which runs App


All constants provided in tasks can be adjusted using following arguments:

  • -i, --input - input path to file with data

  • -o, --output-folder - path to output folder

  • (optional, default 300s) -sl, --session-length - Session length in seconds (max delay between consequent requests in single session)

  • (optional, default 60s) -g1, --session-group-1 - Session length for session group 1 (task 2.2)

  • (optional, default 300s) -g2, --session-group-2 - Session length for session group 2 (task 2.2)

  • (optional, default 10) -t, --top-products - Count of top products that must be shown for top products per category


  • Currently all tasks are implemented in single file App what is not as convenient as it would be if all tasks were present in separate files

  • Write more advanced tests to test all corner cases correctly and thoroughly

  • etc.