CFA Education Hackathon Submission - Skill Exchange


  • How to accommodate both students who are struggling and excelling in a classroom.


To solve the above objective, we identified the need to think of the issue from a different perspective.

This approach is perfectly summarised in our slogan:

Everybody has something to offer. Everybody has something to gain.

Students who excel in technical skills may need to boost their soft skills, and vice versa.

Our solution was to create an online platform, Skill Exchange, where students are able to take a comprehensive skills quiz to identify any knowledge gaps. Subsequently the result of the quiz pairs them with other students according to both of their learning needs.

Tech & Gems

The website uses the following requirements to work properly:

  • Rails version 5.0.2 - Ruby on Rails.
  • Bulma - CSS framework.
  • Devise - a flexible authentication solution for Rails.
  • OmniAuth - a library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications.


To get started with the application, clone the repository:

$ git clone

Go into the project directory:

$ cd CFA-LetsGetGit

Install the needed gems:

$ bundle

Migrate the database:

$ rails db:migrate

Run the local server:

$ rails s

Browse at http://localhost:3000

Design Process


Trello Planning

  • Ideation Process Brain Storming

  • Wireframes Wireframing


@dansup - Home Page

A clean design with gradient colours.


@dansup - Admin Dashboard

Master admin page with charts and graphs.
