
Wum.bo is a set of Solana programs and a chrome extension to bring creator coins to major social networks. You can read the litepaper here

Chrome Extension Dev Setup

First, you'll need to clone https://github.com/solana-labs/oyster in a parallel directory to this. The package.json references this by relative path because it hasn't been published to npm

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/solana-labs/oyster
cd wumbo

Change directories into the chrome extension,

cd chrome-extension

After that,

npm install

To develop, run

npm run watch

To build for production, run

npm build

Load the Extension

Enter chrome://extensions/ in the address bar, and press enter.

Click "Load unpacked".

Select the dist/ directory of this project

Project Setup

├─ program/
├─ cli/
├─ program/
├─ cli/

chrome-extension contains the React code for the chrome extension

Both spl-token-bonding and wumbo are programs on the solana blockchain.

spl-token-bonding handles the bonding curves for both SOL x WUM and WUM x Creator Tokens.

wumbo manages the association between bonding curves and social media accounts, and also verifies that all founder tokens follow a base curve.

Both programs come with their definitions in program and a command line interface with useful commands at cli. These are somewhat minimal right now, and contain the set of commands needed to create a new wumbo token, instance, and bonding curves.


The wumbo instance and program are all configured in src/constants/globals.tsx. If you change any of these, or leave devnet, you'll need to use the cli to recreate them.