- 1
Cassandra Sink for Cassandra 3.x?
#211 opened by kshoga1 - 1
Negative dates in milliseconds are not correctly transformed to dates in MongoSink
#224 opened by jgduarte-stratio - 0
Packaging issue with neccessary modules
#212 opened by deepakdinakaran86 - 1
Maven central repository
#164 opened by rcrespodelosreyes - 5
- 0
Improve pom content
#81 opened by witokondoria - 2
KiteSDK Grok issue
#132 opened by imoreno-stratio - 0
Bug in Mongo Sink status
#95 opened by epeinado - 0
Remove morphlines module
#82 opened by epeinado - 1
Sandbox is not running on Windows10
#73 opened by david-morales - 0
ClassNotFoundException using RestSource
#79 opened by eambrosio - 0
Upgrade HDFS sink version to Hadoop 2.6.
#68 opened by mariomgal - 0
Upgrade ElasticSearch Sink to 1.7
#72 opened by david-morales - 3
Airlines dataset demo
#59 opened by david-morales - 1
- 0
ElasticSearch serializer should cache indexes
#21 opened by smola - 0
Upgrade Java version to 1.8
#71 opened by mariomgal - 15
Unable to connect to statio streaming
#58 opened by austindsouza - 0
- 0
- 2
Artifacts could not be resolved.
#67 opened by anavidad3 - 0
Upgrade Mongo Java Driver
#65 opened by gasparms - 0
Docker containter must have wget
#61 opened by epeinado - 0
Sandbox is not working
#60 opened by david-morales - 3
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Cassandra Sink: Allow more than one host
#55 opened by smola - 0
- 0
- 0
Create a proper integration testing suite
#48 opened by smola - 0
- 0
- 1
Packages are generated with missing JARs in lib
#45 opened by smola - 2
Update Stratio Streaming Sink to 0.6.2
#36 opened by smola - 0
- 0
NPE in MongoDB Sink
#42 opened by smola - 1
- 0
Publish artifacts to Maven Central
#33 opened by smola - 0
geoip morphline: Extract all fields
#32 opened by smola - 0
Add tests to IRC source
#31 opened by smola - 1
- 0
Implement a dead-letter-queue
#22 opened by smola - 0
- 1
Add authentication to sinks
#29 opened by smola - 1
- 0
Add the new SparkSink to our Flume distribution
#27 opened by smola - 0
REST Source: Get response HTTP headers
#25 opened by smola - 1
Update Kite Morphlines to 0.16.0 from Maven Central
#24 opened by smola