
This a friendly way to develop and test Python code for your Stratoscale cluster.

The docker container includes:

  • Stratoscale Python SDK (symphony_client). The SDK version appears in the container name
  • AWS boto3 SDK
  • Jupyter server []

Required: Docker on your machine to run the container below

If you just want to run Jupyter

  • Run the server:

    • docker run -p 8888:8888 --name jupyter -d -i -t stratoscale/jupyter_strato:5.3.2-65b9b21d
    • Open your browser to address localhost:8888
    • You can now start a new notebook or upload a ready one

If you want to run Jupyter and get the example notebooks

  • Clone this repository

  • Run the server:

    • docker run -p 8888:8888 -v <full path to repo>/strato-notebooks/notebooks:/root/jupyter/notebooks --name jupyter -d -i -t stratoscale/strato-notebooks:5.3.2-65b9b21d
    • e.g. docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /home/myname/workdir/strato-notebooks/notebooks:/root/jupyter/notebooks --name jupyter -d -i -t stratoscale/strato-notebooks:5.3.2-65b9b21d
    • Open your browser to address localhost:8888

You'll get to the home screen of the Jupyter server. At this point you can run of the examples in the notebooks folder or upload you your own through the upload button in the home screen.