- 1
Support pkg-config
#39 opened by tyrro - 0
Wrong architecture when install lua on Mac M1
#38 opened by SuperBo - 1
- 4
`LUA_DIR` environment variable
#33 opened by nabato - 1
Lua 5.4.5 and 5.4.6 are available
#31 opened by shionryuu - 7
`linux-readline` support
#18 opened by siiky - 0
Failure when trying to install LuaJIT
#21 opened by hovsater - 1
No such file or directory
#13 opened by infamybsd - 1
Support for Lua 5.4
#12 opened by jhoonb - 4
Why 5.1 and not 5.1.{1..5}?
#8 opened by averms - 4
Errors out on Mac when wget is not installed
#3 opened by lowks - 0