
Postgresql plugin for asdf version manager


This requires brew if you're on a mac, or a debian flavored linux. If you need it to work on something else, you'll likely need to modify the plugin.

  1. You will need a compiler.
  • Mac
    1. gcc
    2. Hit the ok button and it will install. If it already has it, then you are good.
  • Ubuntu
    1. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential
  1. On Ubuntu, you will need libreadline
  2. sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev


asdf plugin-add postgres

ASDF options

Check asdf readme for instructions on how to install & manage versions of Postgres.

When installing Postgres using asdf install, you can pass custom configure options with the following env vars:

  • POSTGRES_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS - use only your configure options
  • POSTGRES_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS - append these configure options along with ones that this plugin already uses

How to use (easier version)


  1. Create your .tool-versions file in the project that needs postgres and add postgres 9.4.7 or whatever version that you want.
  2. run asdf install


  1. Once it is done, run pg_ctl start
  2. Once that starts, run createdb default you can sub default with whatever you want your db name to be.
  3. Then log in with psql -d default if you didn't use default, make sure you use whatever you put in step 2.
  4. If you need to move your data file around, move data from your install directory, which will look something like this: ~/.asdf/installs/postgres/9.4.7/data to wherever you want it. Once it is moved, start your db with pg_ctl -D wherever/you/moved/it start. Your postgresql.conf file is in that directory if you need to change the port or anything.


  1. Just run pg_ctl stop if you moved your data directory, you have to do pg_ctl -D wherever/you/moved/it stop