Pinned Repositories
Starting point for account level terraform. To be modified as needed.
Configures config recorder for an AWS account
This module helps build a default, or custom, AWS EC2 Instance Profiles.
ecs-fargate-codepipeline creates an end to end fargate cluster with a single task (but can be multiple containers in the task), a CodeDeploy application deployment configuration, a CodePipeline to wrap around it, and all relevant iam roles etc.
terraform-aws-iam-group-restricted-admin is used to create a group with roles and policies needed to have read only access after MFA with a few restrictions (can't get most bucket objects, download lambda function code, etc.)
This is used to trust other accounts to assume a role in the target account
Terraform module to create a CICD pipeline for planning and applying terraform in a multi-account scenario.
This is intended to be used by an organization for all of their own accounts. This does not protect access to DynamoDB locking of other accounts, it only restricts access S3 paths for each account. This restriction is put in place by creating a unique role for each account, then creating an assumerole policy that trusts the corresponding account to assume it.
This is a Terraform module to create a custom identity provider based on AWS Secrets for the AWS SFTP service.
This is a Terraform module to create users for the AWS SFTP service based on custom identity provider using AWS Secrets Manager.
StratusGrid's Repositories
ecs-fargate-codepipeline creates an end to end fargate cluster with a single task (but can be multiple containers in the task), a CodeDeploy application deployment configuration, a CodePipeline to wrap around it, and all relevant iam roles etc.
This is intended to be used by an organization for all of their own accounts. This does not protect access to DynamoDB locking of other accounts, it only restricts access S3 paths for each account. This restriction is put in place by creating a unique role for each account, then creating an assumerole policy that trusts the corresponding account to assume it.
This is a Terraform module to create a custom identity provider based on AWS Secrets for the AWS SFTP service.
Starting point for account level terraform. To be modified as needed.
Configures config recorder for an AWS account
This module helps build a default, or custom, AWS EC2 Instance Profiles.
This is a Terraform module to create users for the AWS SFTP service based on custom identity provider using AWS Secrets Manager.
terraform-aws-iam-group-restricted-admin is used to create a group with roles and policies needed to have read only access after MFA with a few restrictions (can't get most bucket objects, download lambda function code, etc.)
This is used to trust other accounts to assume a role in the target account
Terraform module to create a CICD pipeline for planning and applying terraform in a multi-account scenario.
Terraform and instructions for provisioning Backstage on AWS for evaluation purposes.
ecs-fargate-service is used to create an ecs service and the corresponding codedeploy, log groups, codepipeline artifacts, etc. It is intended to be used with StratusGrid's multi-account ecs pipeline module to allow for container images to be passed immutably from cluster to cluster in different environments and accounts in a single contiguous pipeline.
This module is used to create an IAM group which has user self service permissions.
Configures aws account with with an iam role to facilitate vm imports with vm import export service using an existing import bucket
Module used to automate ACM creation, Route53 record creation, and certificate validation.
S3 bucket to be used as logging target for other resources
Terraform module for GitHub repository creation
Repository that stores the StratusGrid Github workflows
The .github repo is a special repository that holds GitHub configuration for the organization.
AWS Config rules module to put in standard policies
ecs-iam-role-builder helps create an iam role with or without a custom policy(ies). It adds cloudwatch log rights to IAM as well as being able to attach custom policies
Maps assume role rights to trusted account resources for specific trusting account
terraform-aws-iam-group-restricted-admin is used to create a group with roles and policies needed to have admin access after MFA with a few restrictions (can't delete logs or audit trails for instance)
This module will deploy a lambda function which will listen for ec2 instance running/stopped/terminated events and put/delete CreditBalance alarms for cpu credits.
This module will deploy a lambda function which will listen for ebs volume creation/deletion events and put/delete BurstBalance alarms for gp2 volumes.
This is meant to be used for an organization which will reside entirely inside one single AWS account.
This repository serves as a central location for managing Markdown (.md) files used for README documentation across various projects within our organization. Markdown files provide a lightweight and easy-to-read format for documenting project setup instructions, usage guidelines, contribution guidelines, and other relevant information.