
Danish General Election Results 1953-2019

Results of Danish General Elections 1953-2022


Results of Danish General Elections 1953-2022 including number of votes and number of seats in parliament. Election results from Greenland and the Faroe Islands are not included.


Party name in Danish Party name in English
S Socialdemokratiet The Social Democratic Party
RV Det Radikale Venstre The Social Liberal Party
K Det Konservative Folkeparti The Conservative People's Party
CD Centrum-Demokraterne The Centre Democrats
NB Nye Borgerlige The New Right
Rfb Retsforbundet The Justice Party
KRP Klaus Riskær Pedersen Klaus Riskær Pedersen
SF Socialistisk Folkeparti Socialist People's Party
G De Grønne The Greens
DHP Det Humanistiske Parti The Humanist Party
LA Liberal Alliance Liberal Alliance
SAP Socialistisk Arbejderparti The Socialist Workers Party
KD Kristendemokraterne The Christian Democrats
DKP Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti Communist Party of Denmark
DKP/ml Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti/Marxister-Leninister Communist Party of Denmark/Marxists-Leninists
LC Liberalt Centrum Liberal Centre
M Moderaterne The Moderates
Min Minoritetspartiet The Minority Party
FF Fredspolitisk Folkeparti Peace Politics People's Party
DF Dansk Folkparti Danish People's Party
SK Stram Kurs Hard Line Party
FK Fælles Kurs Common Course
P Pensionistpartiet The Pensionist Party
FG Frie Grønne Independent Greens
KAP Kommunistisk Arbejderparti The Communist Workers Party
DS Dansk Samling Danish Unity
SP Slesvigsk Parti Schleswig Party
U De Uafhængige The Independents
DemF Demokratisk Fornyelse Democratic Renewal
V Venstre The Liberal Party
VS Venstresocialisterne The Left Socialists
FP Fremskridtspartiet The Progress Party
DD Danmarksdemokraterne The Denmark Democrats
EL Enhedslisten The Red-Green Alliance
Alt Alternativet The Alternativ

Repository content

The votes.csv data file consists of the following variables:

  • year = The year of the election
  • date = The date of the election
  • party_s = Number of votes for the Social Democratic Party
  • party_rv = Number of votes for the Social Liberal Party
  • party_k = Number of votes for the Conservative People's Party
  • party_cd = Number of votes for the Centre Democrats
  • party_nb = Number of votes for the New Right
  • party_rfb = Number of votes for the Justice Party
  • party_krp = Number of votes for Klaus Riskær Pedersen
  • party_sf = Number of votes for the Socialist People's Party
  • party_g = Number of votes for the Greens
  • party_h = Number of votes for Humanist Party
  • party_la = Number of votes for the Liberal Alliance
  • party_sap = Number of votes for the Socialist Workers Party
  • party_kd = Number of votes for the Christian Democrats
  • party_dkp = Number of votes for the Communist Party of Denmark
  • party_ml = Number of votes for the Communist Party of Denmark/Marxists-Leninists
  • party_lc = Number of votes for Liberal Centre
  • party_m = Number of votes for the Moderates
  • party_min = Number of votes for Minority Party
  • party_ff = Number of votes for the Peace Politics People's Party
  • party_df = Number of votes for the Danish People's Party
  • party_sk = Number of votes for the Hard Line Party
  • party_fk = Number of votes for Common Course
  • party_p = Number of votes for the Pensionist Party
  • party_fg = Number of votes for the Independent Greens
  • party_kap = Number of votes for the Communist Workers Party
  • party_ds = Number of votes for Danish Unity
  • party_sp = Number of votes for the Schleswig Party
  • party_u = Number of votes for the Independents
  • party_demf = Number of votes for Democratic Renewal
  • party_v = Number of votes for the Liberal Party
  • party_vs = Number of votes for the Left Socialists
  • party_fp = Number of votes for the Progress Party
  • party_dd = Number of votes for the Denmark Democrats
  • party_el = Number of votes for the Red-Green Alliance
  • party_alt = Number of votes for the Alternative-
  • independents = Number of votes for independent candidates
  • total_valid = Total number of valid votes
  • blank = Number of blank votes
  • other_invalid = Number of invalide votes besides blank votes
  • total_invalid = Total number of invalid votes
  • total_votes = Total number of votes cast
  • electorate = Size of electorate

The seats.csv data file consists of the following variables:

  • year = The year of the election
  • date = The date of the election
  • party_s = Number of seats for the Social Democratic Party
  • party_rv = Number of seats for the Social Liberal Party
  • party_k = Number of seats for the Conservative People's Party
  • party_cd = Number of seats for the Centre Democrats
  • party_nb = Number of seats for the New Right
  • party_rfb = Number of seats for the Justice Party
  • party_krp = Number of seats for Klaus Riskær Pedersen
  • party_sf = Number of seats for the Socialist People's Party
  • party_g = Number of seats for the Greens
  • party_h = Number of seats for Humanist Party
  • party_la = Number of seats for the Liberal Alliance
  • party_sap = Number of seats for the Socialist Workers Party
  • party_kd = Number of seats for the Christian Democrats
  • party_dkp = Number of seats for the Communist Party of Denmark
  • party_ml = Number of seats for the Communist Party of Denmark/Marxists-Leninists
  • party_lc = Number of seats for Liberal Centre
  • party_m = Number of seats for the Moderates
  • party_min = Number of seats for Minority Party
  • party_ff = Number of seats for the Peace Politics People's Party
  • party_df = Number of seats for the Danish People's Party
  • party_sk = Number of seats for the Hard Line Party
  • party_fk = Number of seats for Common Course
  • party_p = Number of seats for the Pensionist Party
  • party_fg = Number of seats for the Independent Greens
  • party_kap = Number of seats for the Communist Workers Party
  • party_ds = Number of seats for Danish Unity
  • party_sp = Number of seats for the Schleswig Party
  • party_u = Number of seats for the Independents
  • party_demf = Number of seats for Democratic Renewal
  • party_v = Number of seats for the Liberal Party
  • party_vs = Number of seats for the Left Socialists
  • party_fp = Number of seats for the Progress Party
  • party_dd = Number of seats for the Denmark Democrats
  • party_el = Number of seats for the Red-Green Alliance
  • party_alt = Number of seats for the Alternative-
  • independents = Number of seats for independent candidates
  • total = Total number of seats in parliament

The following commands will load the data into R:

# votes dataset
# seats dataset
