
Small demo of modular application development using robotlegs.

Primary LanguageActionScript

Requires robotlegs and swiftsuspenders.

This demo has 5 modules:

- ModuleManager just organises the other modules and provides them with a shared moduleEventDispatcher

- LessonLoaderModule loads and communicates with a swf lesson.

- LessonNavModule gives a simple (play / pause) control to the user.

- LoggingModule handles logging of log events.

- SkinManagerModule loads and provides skin assets for skinnable parts (LessonNavModule's PlayPauseButton is skinnable).

There is also a lesson .swf

In this version the modules are set up to be compiled into a single app. It has also been tested with the modules compiled as individual swfs loaded at runtime and works just the same.


- No module should access anything in the .restricted package of another module.
- Each module has a module mediator which controls the flow of events from the shared moduleEventDispatcher in and out of the module's own eventDispatcher.


Currently the 'skin' (red or blue) loaded for the LessonNavModule is random.
The lesson path is hardcoded in the LoadLessonCommand rather than passed via an event.
The lesson communicates with the LessonLoaderModule via the shared events in the loaderContext.

This demo needs to be updated to fit with Shaun's newer version of utilities.modular.