Projects that use micronaut and the corresponding serverless plattforms packages to directly deploy to aws lambda or azure. This Repo serves to test the development and deployment workflow with micronaut.
- micronaut-lambda
- micronaut-lambda-custom-runtime
- micronaut-graalvm
Generate a jar file by running the corresponding gradle/maven task
if you want to deploy a graalvm native image you require the script and the dockerfile provided by the micronaut graalvm example projects and run the
Upload the jar or zip file to aws lambda manually or define a terraform script
The micronaut azure package allows to run the code locally for testing, package into zip file, or deploy directly to azure
- micronaut-azure
The micronaut azure packages provide gradle/maven tasks for running and testing locally, as well as deploying to azure. This requires configuring your deployment Also, when developing with VS CODE, you can use the azure integration to run locally and deploy directly to any specific azure subscription and function by selecting it via the provided GUI.