
NSIS Plug-in to detect processes running from specified folders

Primary LanguageC++

  1. Install NSIS:

    cinst -y nsis

  2. Go to NSIS Contrib folder:

    cd /d "c:\program files (x86)\nsis\contrib"

  3. Clone nsis-lockdetector repo:

    git clone https://github.com/StreamElements/nsis-lockdetector.git

  4. Open nsis-lockdetector\NSISLockDetector.vcxproj with VS2017 running in Administrator Mode

  5. Build -> Batch Build -> Have the following checked:

    Release - x86

    Release - x64

    Release Unicode - x86

    Release Unicode - x64

  6. The plug-in DLL will be deployed to ....\Plugins[arch]\NSISLockDetector.dll

  7. Usage (NSIS script):

    SetPluginUnload alwaysoff

    ;;; Make sure to minimize the list of files to check

    ;;; since RestartManager is slow and gets slower the

    ;;; more resources it has to check.

    NSISLockDetector::AddWildcardPattern "$INSTDIR*.exe"

    NSISLockDetector::AddWildcardPattern "$INSTDIR*.dll"

    NSISLockDetector::SetMode "restartmanager" ;;; default = "pslist"


    Pop $R0

    StrCmp "$R0" "OK" programs_ok programs_error


