
Automated testing application for AMWA NMOS IS-04.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Automated testing application for AMWA NMOS IS-04. The source in this folder is for an Electron application that tests aspects of implementation of the AMWA NMOS specifications, focussing on IS-04 discovery and registration in the first instance. The design is highly modular, so the project can also be used as a set of Node-RED modules that can be assembled to be NMOS components in their own right.

This is early release code at version v0.1.0. Please see the enhancements section for details of the features that are and are not yet supported.



If not already installed, install Node.JS LTS for your platform on an Internet connected computer with git installed.

Getting the source

Download the source by cloning the github project:

git clone https://github.com/Streampunk/zenmos.git
cd zenmos

Install the projects dependencies using npm - this is time consuming - beverage may be required:

npm install

Running in dev mode

To run the application in development mode:

npm run dev

In this mode, tweaks can be made to the underlying software and the debugger tag is available to interact directly with the software.

See the building section for details of creating an installable application.

Using directly with Node-RED

As well as being an Electron Application, ZeNMOS is also a Node-RED module. To use the Node-RED nodes, firstly install Node-RED as a global application for your platform.

npm install -g node-red

Create a link target to the zenmos module in the zenmos folder:

npm link

Run Node-RED to create a user folder in your home directory ~/.node-red:


Ctrl-C to stop the server. Now change directory to the user's Node-RED folder and link in the zenmos module, e.g. on Mac or Linux:

cd ~/.node-red
npm link zenmos

Connect to Node-RED using a browser at http://localhost:1880 and scroll down to find the ZeNMOS nodes at the bottom of the list. The nodes are self-documenting.


Create operating-system-specific install packages of ZeNMOS using Electron Builder. Currently tested platforms are Windows and Mac OSX.

npm run build

Go and make a cup of your favorite beverage.

In the build folder, an install package will be created. For Windows Zenmos Setup x.x.x.exe and for Mac Zenmos-x.x.x.dmg.

Install and run the packages in the normal way for your platform.


It was not possible to develop all requested features in the time available. The following is a list of known debits that the authors will continue to work on:

  • Websocket support.
  • Generating random metadata to test all corners of the schemas.
  • Peer-to-peer support in the Node API.
  • Storing and retrieving tests results in an external database.
  • Running scripted tests.
  • Running in man-in-the-middle mode, offering a client registration API, logging and testing messages and passing on requests as a if a node to a 3rd party registration API.
  • Support for the deprecated v1.0 subscription API.
  • General testing of node failure and heartbeats.
  • Checking integration with other OSS implementations.
  • Confirm support on Linux platforms.

The following is a list of extensions that the authors would like to make subject to time and resource

  • A standalone registration and query service using the ZeNMOS components, resulting in the deprecation of Streampunk's NMOS ledger.
  • A standalone test node that is easy to set into various test states.
  • Support for HTTPS.
  • Support for the RQL query language in the Query API.
  • Adding support for IS-05 and IS-06 as appropriate.
  • Linking to external and federated data stores.
  • A graphical dashboard combined with performance testing.
  • Integrating alongside the Sony-contributed mininet scalability testing framework.
  • Cross-referencing SDP parameters with those declared in the API.
  • Cloud-hosted testing environments.
  • Pre-built binaries for download.

Pull requests and issues will be resolved when the developers have sufficient time available. If you are interested in sponsoring the development of this software or supporting its ongoing maintenance, please contact Streampunk Media (furnace@streampunk.media).


This software is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Copyright 2018 Streampunk Media Ltd.