
In this project, I will implement your own version of Ruby’s enumerable methods.

Primary LanguageRuby

Building-Blocks Enumerables

In this project, I have implemented my version of Ruby’s enumerable methods. On file 'enumerables.rb' there are all methods and on file 'test.rb' I have prints calling those created methods along with the original one to compare


Built With

  • Ruby
  • RSpec

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

You can get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:

$ cd <folder>

$ git clone https://github.com/Stricks1/Building-Blocks---Enumerables.git

To run the test file, go to your terminal on the folder you saved and type: ruby test.rb

Testing with RSpec

To test it you should go to your terminal on the folder you saved and type: rspec


👤 Author

Gabriel Malheiros Silveira

👤 Author 2

Rindra Josia

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Project from Microverse
  • Originally taken from The Odin Project