
A document which lists and describes the many computing devices owned and used by Strife89/sana-chan

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A document which lists and describes the many computing devices owned and used by Strife89/sana-chan.

This document, and the repository, exists mostly as a project to foster research into my own gear (and how to learn about it), as well as to practice and learn about using git and GitHub. It also serves to port the original document, which was produced in Google Docs, into a more openly readable format.

It’s somewhat autobiographical in nature, too; after all, fiddling with computers and finding ways to explore them is one of my main hobbies, and a common means through which I express myself. I don’t often make an effort to prop up myself or many of my interests (from my own perspective, at least), so please consider this a rare act of indulgence. And if you’re here, thank you very much for reading.

Anyway, all of my devices have names. They’re all named after Pokemon - most of them use Romanji versions of the Japanese names, while some more recent ones (as of 2023) use the English localized names. This is something I do primarily for fun, and is most directly copying the work of Eevee (https://eev.ee) which she once shared in a blog post; she uses the same naming scheme. It has the nice bonus of being easier to remember than whatever autogenerated hostname the OS picks, handy for trying to ssh into a machine or pick it out in a device list on the network.

Feel free to copy the idea, or even fork this repo, and use it as a template to build your own device list. Have fun with it. 😄

<3 sana-chan A.k.a. Joni Michelle Carr