Source-to-source Translator: SM-centric Transformation

Xiangqing Ding(xding3)


In this project, a source-to-source translator that can transform CUDA code to an SM-Centric form is designed and implemented based on LLVM and Clang. In the Build and Run section, instructions of compiling and running the translator are provided. Then the details of how the translator is implemented is described in the Implementation section. In the end, some specifications about test cases will be described.

Build and Run


The original CUDA file to be translated should be with the suffix ".cu" to ensure the naming of generated file


  1. Run to configure the environment
  2. Direct to the clang tool source folder (/home/ubuntu/llvm/llvm/tools/clang/tools)
  3. Create a folder named sm-centric
  4. Put the SM_centric_transformation.cpp (Source code) and CMakeLists.txt (Dependency file) under the sm-centric folder. Both files can be found in the Source Code folder within the submitted files
  5. Modify the CMakeLists.txt in the clang tool folder. Append one line to the end of the file: add_clang_subdirectory(sm-centric)
  6. Direct to the build-release folder (/home/ubuntu/llvm/build-release)
  7. Run ninja sm-centric

Once the translator is built successfully, message like following will be displayed:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/llvm/build-release$ ninja sm-centric
[2/2] Linking CXX executable bin/sm-centric


Run the translator on one file:

cd ~/llvm/build-release
bin/sm-centric path/ -- --cuda-host-only [options]

Run the translator on multiple files:

cd ~/llvm/build-release
bin/sm-centric path/ path2/ ... -- --cuda-host-only [options]

After that, a SM-Centric form CUDA file will be generated under the the same folder with the original file. For instance, if the original file is named, the name of the generated file should be and in the same path with


  1. The path of original files could be relative path or absolute path
  2. When running the translator on test cases, dependency path should be specified in the command. However, without the dependency path, the error messages like 'helper_cuda.h' file not found could be ignored, which may not influence the result of the translator.


Main Tasks

  1. Adding smc.h Header

When the program creates/opens the generated file, it will firstly put the include statement at the start of the file. Though the include statement is required to be put after other headers, it does not any difference for current test cases when it is put at the start of the file.

	// Add smc header
    outputFile << "#include \"smc.h\""
               << "\n";
    // Put the other transformed code into stream
    outputFile << std::string(RewriteBuf->begin(), RewriteBuf->end());
  1. Rewriting Kernel Function Definition

This task can be divided several steps:

  • Check whether a function is a kernel function

In CUDA programming, the kernel function is marked with "__global__". To check whether current function is a kernel function, hasAttr<CUDAGlobalAttr>() is called when a FunctionDecl node is visited. In addition, hasBody() method is called to check whether the function is defined. After that, more transformations can be made on the kernel functions.

bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *func)
    // Check if kernal functions (function with __global__ )
    if (func->hasAttr<CUDAGlobalAttr>())
        if (func->hasBody())
			.....// More transformations
    return true;
  • Add the __SMC_Begin and the __SMC_End to the definition of the kernel function

To add the __SMC_Begin, the start location of function definition should be found. This is achieved by calling getLocStart() on the function body, which is a Stmt object returned by getBody() method. After that, __SMC_End can also be added in the end of function definition in the same way.

            // Add __SMC_Begin to the beginning of the definition of the kernel function
            std::stringstream kernal_begin;
            kernal_begin << "\n\t"
                         << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Add __SMC_Begin|-------------*/\n\t" // highlight
                         << "__SMC_Begin"
                         << "\n";
            st = funcBody->getLocStart(); // Get the start of the function definition
            SMC_Rewriter.InsertTextAfterToken(st, kernal_begin.str());
            // Add __SMC_End to the end of the definition of the kernel function
            std::stringstream kernal_end;
            kernal_end << "\n\t"
                       << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Add __SMC_End|-------------*/\n\t" // highlight
                       << "__SMC_End"
                       << "\n";
            st = funcBody->getLocEnd(); // Get the end of the function definition
            SMC_Rewriter.InsertTextBefore(st, kernal_end.str());
  • Add parameters to the definition of the kernel function

The next step is to add parameters to the kernel function. To locate the parameters of function, we firstly get the TypeSourceInfo of the function. And then the location after the last parameter can be retrieved, and new parameters will be appended.

            // Add parameters to the end of the parameter list of the definition of the kernel function
            std::stringstream kernal_parameters;
            kernal_parameters << ",\n\t"
                              << "dim3 __SMC_orgGridDim, "
                              << "int __SMC_workersNeeded, "
                              << "int *__SMC_workerCount, "
                              << "int * __SMC_newChunkSeq, "
                              << "int * __SMC_seqEnds";
            st = func->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getEndLoc(); // Get the location after the last parameter
            SMC_Rewriter.InsertText(st, kernal_parameters.str(), false, true); 
  • Replacing the references of blockIdx.x and blockIdx.y

The last step of this task is to replace all the references of blockIdx.x and blockIdx.y within kernel function definition. It is achieved by implementing a recursive method called rewriteMemberExpr(Stmt *s). This function firstly tries to cast the input Stmt object into a MemberExpr object. If it succeeds, it means that the node is originally a MemberExpr. Then it checks whether this member expression is blockIdx.x or blockIdx.y. If they are, replace them with corresponding SMC expression.

// A resurisve method that rewrites all member expressions in a statement
void rewriteMemberExpr(Stmt *s)
    if (MemberExpr *memberExpr = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(s))
        SourceRange sr;

        //  Get base of member expression
        if (OpaqueValueExpr *ovExpr = dyn_cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(memberExpr->getBase()))
            // Get type of the base
            std::string baseType = ovExpr->getType().getAsString();
            // Check if it is blockIdx
            if (baseType == "const struct __cuda_builtin_blockIdx_t")
                // Get member of member expression
                std::string memberName = memberExpr->getMemberDecl()->getNameAsString();

                // Replace the references of blockIdx.x
                if (memberName == "__fetch_builtin_x")
                    std::stringstream blockIdx_x;
                    blockIdx_x << "(int)fmodf((float)__SMC_chunkID, (float)__SMC_orgGridDim.x)"
                               << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Replace blockIdx.x|-------------*/";
                    sr = memberExpr->getSourceRange(); // Get the range of the member expression
                    SMC_Rewriter.ReplaceText(sr, blockIdx_x.str());
                // Replace the references of blockIdx.x
                else if (memberName == "__fetch_builtin_y")
                    std::stringstream blockIdx_y;
                    blockIdx_y << "(int)(__SMC_chunkID/__SMC_orgGridDim.x)"
                               << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Replace blockIdx.y|-------------*/";
                    sr = memberExpr->getSourceRange(); // Get the range of the member expression
                    SMC_Rewriter.ReplaceText(sr, blockIdx_y.str());

If the Stmt cannot be cast into the MemberExpr (not a MemberExpr node), the recursive method will be called on each child Stmt node.

        for (Stmt::child_iterator ci = s->child_begin(), ce = s->child_end(); ci != ce; ++ci)
            if (*ci)
  1. Rewriting Kernel Function Call

Due to the CUDAKernelCallExpr node from the Clang AST, it is much easier to locate the call for CUDA kernel functions by writing hooks function within the AST Visitor.

// Visit all the CUDAKernelCallExpr nodes
bool VisitCUDAKernelCallExpr(CUDAKernelCallExpr *cudaExpr)
    return true;

After locating the call for CUDA kernel functions, the first step is inserting SMC initialization function before the call.

    // Add __SMC_init() right before the call of the GPU kernel function
    std::stringstream smc_init;
    smc_init << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Add __SMC_init()|-------------*/\n" // highlight
             << "__SMC_init();\n\n";
    st = cudaExpr->getLocStart(); // Get the location before the function call
    SMC_Rewriter.InsertText(st, smc_init.str(), false, true); 

Then arguments are added to the function call. The location after the last arguments is also the end location of the call, we can simply call get cudaExpr->getLocEnd() to get the location.

    // Append arguments to the end of the GPU kernel function call
    std::stringstream kernal_arguments;
    kernal_arguments << ", "
                     << "__SMC_orgGridDim, "
                     << "__SMC_workersNeeded, "
                     << "__SMC_workerCount, "
                     << "__SMC_newChunkSeq, "
                     << "__SMC_seqEnds";
    st = cudaExpr->getLocEnd(); // Get the location after the last argument
    SMC_Rewriter.InsertTextBefore(st, kernal_arguments.str());	
  1. Rewriting grid() Declaration

Rewriting grid declaration is the most difficult part in this project. The grid variable to be used in execution configuration is not necessarily named with "grid", for example:

// This also works
dim3 gridx(...);
KernelCall<<<gridx, threads>>>(...);

As a consequence, we need to retrieve the grid variable name from each call for CUDA kernel functions. And then we check each VarDecl node with the grid name list to see whether it needs rewriting. To solve this problem, a Preprocessor is implemented and run to put all grid variables name in a global string list. The structure of the Preprocessor is similar to the one of the Translator and within the same source file.

// Visit all the CUDAKernelCallExpr nodes
bool VisitCUDAKernelCallExpr(CUDAKernelCallExpr *cudaExpr)
    SourceLocation st;
    // Get configuration
    CallExpr *config = cudaExpr->getConfig();
    // Get grid configuration: the first argument
    if (CXXConstructExpr *gridConfig = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(config->getArg(0)))
        if (ImplicitCastExpr *cast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(gridConfig->getArg(0)))
            if (DeclRefExpr *grid = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(cast->getSubExpr()))
                std::string gridName = grid->getNameInfo().getAsString();
                // Put grid variable name into the global list

    return true;

After the Preprocessor finishes its work, the Translator could now check whether a VarDecl node is a declaration for the grid argument. If it is, it is replaced with the expression __SMC_orgGridDim while the arguments are kept unchanged. After that

// Visit all the VarDecl nodes
bool VisitVarDecl(VarDecl *varDecl)
    SourceLocation st;

    // Check whether it is grid initialization
    std::list<std::string>::iterator finder = std::find(gridList.begin(), gridList.end(), varDecl->getNameAsString());
    if (finder != gridList.end())
        if (varDecl->hasInit())
            // Replace the call of function grid(...) with dim3 __SMC_orgGridDim(...)
            std::stringstream smc_grid;
            smc_grid << "__SMC_orgGridDim";
            st = varDecl->getInit()->getLocStart(); // Get the location before initialization
            SMC_Rewriter.ReplaceText(st, finder->length(), smc_grid.str());

            // Add highlight to SMC change
            std::stringstream highlight;
            highlight << "/*-------------|SMC Change: Change Grid()|-------------*/\n";
            st = varDecl->getLocStart(); // Get the location after the last parameter
            SMC_Rewriter.InsertText(st, highlight.str(), false, true);
    return true;

Extra Features

  • The translator could translate multiple files at the same time.
  • The translator can work on the original file containing multiple kernel functions
  • The name of grid argument of execution configuration is not limited to "grid".
  • The grid in the original program could be one-dimension, two-dimension or three-dimension.

Test Cases

To run the test cases:

cd ~/llvm/build-release
bin/sm-centric path/ ... -- --cuda-host-only

Test Case 1

The test case 1 is derived from the given file Some parts of expected results can be referred to the Some modification are made to test whether the translator can handle different situations:

  1. The main() function is deleted so that when the test case is run, there is no need to add dependency.

  2. In the definition of kernel function matrixAddCUDA(), statements below are added to test whether the translator can detect other forms of references of blockIdx.x and blockIdx.y. These two references are expected to be transformed.

     printf("Referrence of blockIdx.x: %d.\n", blockIdx.x); //line 43
     printf("Referrence of blockIdx.y: %d.\n", blockIdx.y); //line 44
  3. In the definition of function matrixAdd(), the name of grid argument and declaration are changed from "grid" to "newGrid" while the "dim3 grid(...)" is kept. This modification is aimed to test whether the translator can handle different name of grid variables. It is expected that "newGrid(...)" will be transformed while "grid(...)" keeps unchanged.

     dim3 grid(w / threads.x, h / threads.y); //line 111
     dim3 newGrid(w / threads.x, h / threads.y); //line 112
     matrixAddCUDA<<< newGrid, threads >>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, w, h); //line 117
  4. In the definition of function matrixAdd(), another call for matrixAddCUDA() is added to test whether the translator can handle multiple kernel function calls. It is expected that this call will also be transformed.

     matrixAddCUDA<<< newGrid, threads >>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, w, h);// line 147

Test Case 2

The test case 2 is derived from the given file Some parts of expected results can be referred to the Some modification are made to test whether the translator can handle different situations:

  1. The main() function is deleted so that when the test case is run, there is no need to add dependency.

  2. In the definition of function matrixMultiply(), a new grid variable is declared and the execution configuration of one kernel call is changed to test whether the translator can handle different execution configurations. Also, it tests whether the grid variables can be one-dimension and three-dimension. It is expected all statements below will be transformed.

     dim3 gridx(dimsB.x / threads.x); // line 202
     dim3 grid(dimsB.x / threads.x, dimsA.y / threads.y, 2); // line 204
     if (block_size == 16)
         matrixMulCUDA<16><<< gridx, threads >>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x); // line 212
         matrixMulCUDA<32><<< grid, threads >>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x); // line 216

Test Case 3

This test file is simply a combination of test case 1 and test case 2. It is designed for testing whether the translator can work on the original file containing multiple kernel functions (Extra Feature).


For current implementation, the only limitation is that the #include "smc.h" statement is added at the beginning of the generated file instead of after all existing #include statements. This doesn't make any difference to current test cases. However, it can be achieved in future work by extending PPCallBacks and overriding the IncludeDirective() method.