Android library to reveal or obfuscate strings and assets at runtime
Pinned issues
- 0
403 Forbidden
#89 opened by guilindohick - 0
Is this my version issue
#88 opened by FirstMorning - 0
- 2
Can't open the sample
#86 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 1
- 1
Wiki update
#84 opened by vanesca88 - 23
- 6
JCenter Deprecation
#82 opened by MarkRS-UK - 12
Gradle crash
#75 opened by vidicunt - 1
- 2
Build: failed: Index: 1, Size: 1
#80 opened by camauser - 7
- 2
- 1
Obfuscation library
#74 opened by vidicunt - 3
Resource not found
#76 opened by jimlyas - 2
Library Support
#73 opened by efraespada - 2
compileSdkVersion is not specified
#72 opened by Narvelan - 42
- 0
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class components.Stark
#65 opened by MostafaAnter - 49
- 11
- 1
- 0
The dependency contains Java 8 bytecode. Please enable desugaring by adding the following to build.gradle
#55 opened by efraespada - 83
- 12
Can't import sample
#48 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 11
Error:(2, 0) Could not get unknown property 'com' for root project 'AndroidLibrary' of type org.gradle.api.Project
#19 opened by rexi1r - 4
* What went wrong: 1
#20 opened by rexi1r - 7
Can I use CS hidden string in XML Layout?
#34 opened by Narvelan - 9
IllegalBlockSizeException when decrypting
#31 opened by d-moreira - 6
Can the plugin obfuscate string resources names?
#33 opened by Narvelan - 7
Incorrect linebreaks
#38 opened by abraaocaldas - 7
- 1
StringCare do not work with gradle flavors
#39 opened by abraaocaldas - 13
String does not decrypt
#36 opened by nikosmit - 8
Avoid reverse engineering
#37 opened by strike76 - 2
null reference after sign application
#35 opened by 12gods - 8
The new version 0.7 does not apply plugin
#32 opened by Narvelan - 2
Plugin doesn't obfuscate some strings
#29 opened by z0rgoyok - 2
Plugin didn't work for all "release" variant
#27 opened by eidola7 - 21
- 23
Not Working with Signed Apk
#21 opened by sumitgohil - 6
Strings are not obfuscated on build time
#15 opened by d-moreira - 1
- 3
- 4
Can't get it to work
#9 opened by thaindq - 7
AndroidStringObfuscator.getString(this, R.string.app_name) does not give decrypted string, it gives me encrypted string
#1 opened by cs-studio03