
Fast "hash" algorithm.

Primary LanguageC


Fast "hash" algorithm designed for insecure hashing usage.
Sometimes you need a fast hash but you don't care about the security of the hash.

Use Cases

  • Detect if a file has changed
    You can check if a file has changed by using this hash funcion.
  • Fast Lookup in Large Data Sets
    If you need to compare large volumes of data and only require a quick match
  • Duplicate Detection
    You can employ "5um" to identify duplicates in extensive file collections where precision isn't critical, and you only need a fast way to identify similar files
  • Real-time Checksum Generation
    In applications where rapid data integrity checks are needed in real-time, "5um" could provide a balance between speed and simplicity
  • Cache Key Generation
    If you wish to use a hash for caching and retrieving data, and security isn't a concern, "5um" could be suitable
  • Search Algorithm Optimization
    Certain search algorithms, such as those based on hash tables, might benefit from a fast hash like "5um" to expedite the search process


  1. Install the package
npm install 5um
  1. Compile the c function for your architecture
gcc -o ./node_modules/5um/dist/c/hash5um.so -shared -fPIC ./node_modules/5um/src/c/hash5um.c


  • As a system command
npx 5um hello.txt
  • As a module
const hash5um = require("5um");

const inputFile = process.argv[2];
const hash = hash5um('./hello.txt'); // returns a BigInt

// npm install --save-dev @types/ffi-napi

import hash5um from "5um";

const inputFile = process.argv[2];
const hash = hash5um('./hello.txt'); // returns a BigInt

  • Fast
  • Easy to use
  • Insecure
  • Reversible
  • Predictable
  • Collisions