SIMPLE is a new general purpouse programming language.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SIMPLE is a new general purpouse programming language.

Under development.

SIMPLE is created to be easy to use and easily transpilable to other languages.

The main idea is to write the code in SIMPLE programming language and use the source to source compiler to generate the equivalent code in C++, javascript (node, qjs and browser), python, lua, java ...


SIMPLE framework is a set of javascript cli tools that make possible to use the language:

  • simplec.js
    CLI tool (qjs) to compile SIMPLE source code to other languages. At the moment can compile some SIMPLE and generate C++ compilable code.

  • lexer/lexer.mjs
    ES6 module exporting a function to convert raw code into tokens and language structures.
    lexer.mjs is designed to a more general purpouse like sintax highlighting.

  • parser/parser.mjs
    ES6 module exporting a function to organice the lexemas into expressions.

  • transpiler/cpp/simple2cpp.mjs
    ES6 module exporting a function to generate c++ code from SIMPLE expressions.


SIMPLE is a functional programming language where everything is going to be a function or a function call.