
My main development OS

Create debian command

echo  '#!/usr/bin/env sh

proot-distro login debian --isolated --fix-low-ports' > ~/../usr/bin/debian

Configure the system for work installing the most basic packages, adding alias, colors to output and man pages, adding js and c++ as scripting languages to the shell, vim plugins, etc. Everything is focused on productivity/utility, not much "fancy" features added.

This is for Termux aarch64 (proot-distro), steps for Linux in PC, raspberry or other archs may be very similar

Update packages list and upgrade them

apt update && apt upgrade

Install nodejs

apt install nodejs

Install npm

apt install npm

Install http-server

npm install -g http-server

install tree

apt install tree

install jq

apt install jq
# todo: add to



Install vim

apt install vim

Install curl

apt install curl

Install git

apt install git

Install gh

apt install gh

Install python3

apt install python3

Install pip

apt install python3-pip
# add to

Install venv

apt install python3.11-venv
# add to

Install vim-plug

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

install .vimrc

curl '' -o ~/.vimrc

install vim plugins


# Inside vim enter ":PlugInstall" without quotes

set-up codeium plugin


# Inside vim enter ":Codeium Auth" without quotes. Follow steps to sign-in and get your token.

install unzip

apt install unzip

Install qjs and qjsc (needed for aarch64)

git clone

mv debianConfig/bin/aarch64/qj* ~/SMBSE/bin/

rm debianConfig/ -r

Install 7z

apt install p7zip-full

Install StringManolo's bash shell extension

curl '' -o ~/.basrc && source ~/.bashrc

Do all previous steps at once

curl '' -Lo ./ && chmod 775 && ./


c/cpp compiling

apt install clang make gcc

Install solc (solidity compiler for smart contracts)

npm install solc