by Unai && StringManolo
- Gamepad
❌ - HUD
❌ - Menu (Options, Save, Load, Restart)
❌ - Canvas
Tasks Description:
Gamepad -
- Manage airplane movement throught gamepad on touch devices.
- Show Score, lives and miscelanea on top right.
Menu -
- Stop the game on menu open.
❌ - Hidde the canvas while on menu.
❌ - Use gamepad to navigate the option list.
❌ - Settings to control speed, dificult, etc.
Canvas -
- Draw an arrow.
✅ - Move the arrow using keyboard arrows and | or gamepad.
❌ - Draw dots and obstacles.
✅ - Detect colisions.
✅ - Decrease lives on colisions.
✅ - Detect when dots and obstacles cross the screen. Increase score.
✅ - Increase obstacles speed and level each 15 seconds.
✅ - Draw Sky background.
❌ - Music and effects.
❌ - Colision effects.