
Learning Cards

Primary LanguageTypeScript


lcards is a web app that allows you to learn anything faster by using cards.

Here live

Software Used To Make the Project

  • android 10
    Operative System of my Huawei P40
  • termux
    Linux emulator
  • proot-distro
    Fake root to install linux distributions
  • sos_node
    A Small Linux distribution that includes node installed
  • node
    Run javascript on server side
  • npm
    Install node packages
  • git
    Upload the project to github
  • gh
    Create a github repository
  • vim
    Terminal text editor
  • emmet Vim Plugin
    Create webpages using CSS alike selectors
  • create-project
    Create full project templates or file templates in the cwd
  • react
    Javascript Framework for web developing
  • reactDOM
    VirtualDOM library for React, increases performance of apps
  • reactRouterDOM
    Router library for react to manage views and paths
  • jsx
    Write javascript and components in a XML/HTML like sintax to avoid lengthfull createElement function calls, making code shorter and readable.
  • typescript
    Superset of javascript that adds compile-time type checking and extra features to the language
  • webpack
    Software that builds your project from your components and resources
  • webpack-cli
    Tool for the creation of builds
  • tsLoader
    Helper for usage of typescript with webpack
  • http-server
    Simple http server to test changes in local before upload them to internet
  • netlify-cli
    Create a website and upload your app to everyone to see
  • materialUI Core
    Library to create React interfaces using already made components
  • materialUI Icons
    Library with icons for your interfaces
  • google fonts
    Fonts to use in the web