This is for 3D tracking from LiDAR point clouds.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pytorch-Lightning implementation of the PVT Tracker.



  • Directly pull image form DockerHub
    docker pull strivedtye/mink:0.5.4-pytorch1.8.2-v2-sot3d

2. Manually install by Conda

  • Create the environment
    git clone https://github.com/StrivedTye/PVT.git
    cd PVT
    conda create -n pvt  python=3.8
    conda activate pvt
  • Install pytorch
    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia
  • Install other dependencies:
    pip install -r requirement.txt
  • Install the nuscenes-devkit if you use want to use NuScenes dataset:
    pip install nuscenes-devkit
  • Install the torch-scatter
    conda install pytorch-scatter -c pyg
  • Install MinkowskiEngine
    please refer to [MinkowskiEngine](https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine)

KITTI dataset

  • Download the data for velodyne, calib and label_02 from KITTI Tracking.
  • Unzip the downloaded files.
  • Put the unzipped files under the same folder as following.
    [Parent Folder]
    --> [calib]
        --> {0000-0020}.txt
    --> [label_02]
        --> {0000-0020}.txt
    --> [velodyne]
        --> [0000-0020] folders with velodynes .bin files

NuScenes dataset

  • Download the dataset from the download page
  • Extract the downloaded files and make sure you have the following structure:
    [Parent Folder]
      samples	-	Sensor data for keyframes.
      sweeps	-	Sensor data for intermediate frames.
      maps	        -	Folder for all map files: rasterized .png images and vectorized .json files.
      v1.0-*	-	JSON tables that include all the meta data and annotations. Each split (trainval, test, mini) is provided in a separate folder.

Note: We use the train_track split to train our model and test it with the val split. Both splits are officially provided by NuScenes. During testing, we ignore the sequences where there is no point in the first given bbox.

Quick Start


To train a model, you must specify the .yaml file with --cfg argument. The .yaml file contains all the configurations of the dataset and the model. Currently, we provide four .yaml files under the cfgs directory. Note: Before running the code, you will need to edit the .yaml file by setting the path argument as the correct root of the dataset.

python main.py --gpu 0 1 --cfg cfgs/PVT_Car.yaml  --batch_size 50 --epoch 60

After you start training, you can start Tensorboard to monitor the training process:

tensorboard --logdir=./ --port=6006

By default, the trainer runs a full evaluation on the full test split after training every epoch. You can set --check_val_every_n_epoch to a larger number to speed up the training.


To test a trained model, specify the checkpoint location with --checkpoint argument and send the --test flag to the command.

python main.py --gpu 0 1 --cfg cfgs/PVT_Car.yaml  --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint/xxx.ckpt --test
