
Fast and easy Jupyter notebooks

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

KubeGo notebooks is a Go implementation of kubeflow notebooks. It leverages kubeflow's notebook controller.

Ease-of-use is the primary goal of this project. It allows using a normal ingress controller such as Nginx to expose notebooks as native kubernetes ingresses instead of relying on Istio.

It also has full swagger documentation for interacting with the API programmatically.

Install Dependencies 📦

make install-deps

Docker Build 🛠️

docker build -t $YOUR_REPO/notebook-api .

Docker Push 🚀

docker push $YOUR_REPO/notebook-api

Install 🔌

helm install \
    --set image.repository=$YOUR_REPO/notebook-api \
    --set image.tag=latest \
    kubego-notebooks ./deployment/notebooks

Running locally 👟

make build-frontend
go run main.go

Running locally with Docker 🐳

docker run -v ${HOME}/.kube:/home/.kube -p 8000:8000 notebook-api

Configuration 📖

  # Server Bind address
  apiPrefix: "/api"

  enabled: true
  accessControlAllowOrigin: "*"
  acccessControlAllowCredentials: "true"
  accessControlAllowHeaders: "Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token, Authorization, accept, origin"
  accessControlAllowMethods: "POST,HEAD,PATCH,OPTIONS,GET,PUT"

# InCluster will use a service account if true
# If false, will use local kube context
inCluster: true
spawnerConfigPath: ./config/spawner_ui_config.yaml

# Ingress Settings
  ## Set create true to create an ingress for notebook servers
  create: true
  domain: .example.com
  tls: false
  annotations: {}
    # "cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer": "vault-issuer"
    # "kubernetes.io/ingress.class": "nginx"
    # "nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size": "0"