You need a new user, you cannot use root
For ubuntu 16.04 login as root and create a user: adduser
Add your user to sudo: gpasswd -a <user> sudo
Its reccomended to install an SSH key to this user.
Logout of root and login to your user to continue installing the notary repo.
cd ~
git clone
cd StakedNotary
cd install
You need to build our special repo of komodo
thanks to @libbscott and nanomsg and SuperNET for iguana. Both these scripts cover all required deps on debian based distros.
Now you need to copy the config file and edit it with our pubkey/Raddress and WIF key for KMD. There needs to be a space after the =
sign on each line.
e.g btcpubkey = 02.....
cd ~/StakedNotary
cp config_example.ini config.ini
nano config.ini
We also need to unblock the iguana port. To find this:
sudo ufw allow 9997
sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw enable
There is a KMD bootstrap here if you want to use this first before starting it will save a lot of time, also some VPS providers seem to be skimmping on RAM, and will crash trying to sync KMD, in this case you need to use the bootstrap. Its not ideal, but it works.
After this we are ready to launch KMD and any chains that happen to be in assetchains.json
and import our private keys to them all.
To keep an eye on komodods sync status run: tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log
This could take a while. 2-3H maybe longer. Also the progress of sync is printed to the terminal you started
There is one thing that notary nodes depend on more than anything else and that is the UTXO's. Once iguana has started we need to run @lukechilds excellent UTXO splitter.
You also will want to put this UTXO splitter on a cron job every 15 minutes.
crontab -e
Enter this into the cron tab:
*/15 * * * * /home/<your_username>/StakedNotary/ >> /home/<your_username>/utxo_split.log 2>&1
This is needed on KMD, to activate our features amoung other things. Add the flags below in
to customise the filter.
-mintxvalue=<amount in sats>
This defualts to 1 coin (to make it lower on KMD to fund smaller amounts, set it to a lower amount of sats.) eg. 0.2KMD would be 2000000
How it works:
-> Takes all the vouts in a transaction and counts which ones are to the notary nodes address (set with -pubkey=)
-> Adds the value of these together (total in sats)
-> Divides by the number of vouts,
-> If the amount is less than this number the transacion is ignored, not added to wallet. This filter does not work with -rescan
so you can add them to wallet by doing a rescan if you need to.
-> If this number is 0, the wallet accetpts NO transactions, once a notary is funded, likely this should be the setting you use. Only allowing to send from yourself, for iguana utxo split txs. You should not set this to 0, if you need to fund your node. Likely setting this value to a low value on KMD is good idea.
-> No matter what the setting of the above setting is set to, this address can send you coins. You can use this to have a trusted address either from another notary, or a wallet owned by yourself to fund your node any amount at any time.
-> Provide a txid to delete all tx in the wallet except the tx specified. The script does this all for you.
-> Running without a txid specified will clean all transaction history in the wallet older than the last unspent utxo.
This is the coolest part, super happy about it. Simply add the coins params to assetchains.json
(make sure you have the freq
param it is required!) and submit a PR and merge it. Then have ALL operators:
There is no need to stop any deamons at this point, if they are already running, they will not start again.
Make sure some funds have been sent and everything should just work. :D
Additional dependancies required -
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3 libgnutls28-dev libssl-dev python3-pip
pip3 install setuptools wheel base58 slick-bitcoinrpc requests python-bitcoinlib
To get a list of coins: ./
To issue commands to a coin: asset-cli <COINS_NAME> <COMMAND>
To issue commands to all assetchains: assets-cli <COMMAND>
To kill everything: ./
To HARD reset a coins wallet: ./ <coin>
Hard reset will send the entire balance to yourself, then remove all transactions that are not this transaction from the wallet after it has been confirmed. Might look at changing this to after it has been notarised?
To SOFT reset a KMDs wallet (works with ac by specifying -ac_name=): komodo-cli cleanwallettransactions
Soft reset is generally what you will use. This mode, simply removes all txs from that wallet database that are all spent. It means you lose transaction history, but also keeps the node able to build txs in a speedy manner, very important for notarisaions. :)
The install scripts come with the tools:
: To monitor system load
: To monitor network load
: To make panes, so you can run these tools and iguana console logs at he same time and detach/reattach when you login/out of the notary node. Google is your friend.