
Automated notarizations testnet environment

Primary LanguagePython

What's this?

It's an automated dPoW notarizations testnet environment.

How it works?

We have a PC with 2 daemons running (KMD, DECKER), for example. Also we have a 3 docker containers with separate iguana / notary node in each. Using iptables rules we fool iguana, forcing it to think that it is connected to the daemon RPC at, but all iguanas are actually connected to the same coin daemon installed on docker host. So, it's just a transparent port forwarding of -> As a result we have just one daemon per coin utilized by as many notaries as we want, that perfectly fits in dev purposes, bcz we don't need separate physical hosts for each notary.


How to prepare docker environment?

Install docker (guide):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo systemctl status docker

Clone iguana-docker repo:

git clone https://github.com/DeckerSU/iguana-docker
cd iguana-docker

Generate notaries.json file:

prepare-notaries.sh > notaries.json

Will look like:

    "id": "1",
    "passphrase": "fa2511419ea73899a2be34dbd3f172bd173d4d045d1163d4e370305564ea73ce",
    "address": "RHSKEzvQD9o3xScf7g64WEpRfGox6zpMYM",
    "wif": "UsFnnktnXcvxwGaGsvWfHhD7Ej444YVibyYCJqrRp2jDzWLA2fTo",
    "pubkey": "02bb7ab714d858f5da75f93fdb0ab93822f142054262a4425205bb70efe7225394"

Parse notaries.json and generate other files:

parse_notaries.py notaries.json

The following files will be generated:

  • docker_test_elected - elected file for iguana testnet
  • import_privkeys - file with privkeys in convenient daemon import format
  • m_notary_docker_test - iguana startup file (will be placed inside a docker container on next step)
  • start_containers - script with start_containers instructions

Build docker image:

sudo docker build -t iguana-test .

Prepare daemons

By default testnet will be configured with all mainnet assetchains enabled, that means that RPC requests to any mainnet ACs from inside of the docker container will be forwarded to docker host. An additional special test assetchain DECKER will be configured to dPoW in KMD by default.

Params of DECKER AC is following:

-ac_name=DECKER -ac_supply=777777 -ac_reward=100000000

Start komodod on docker host with the args above and after it creates the config file in ~/.komodo/DECKER/DECKER.conf - stop it and add following lines;


Where is the default docker bridge subnet. You can get docker subnets via sudo docker network ls, and inspect needed subnet with sudo docker network inspect bridge, where bridge here is a subnet name. You'll also need to change RPC credentials in the ~/.komodo/DECKER/DECKER.conf to the following:


This is needed bcz iguana in docker container is those credentials by default for ANY (!) deamon, if not otherwise specified by variables DEFAULT_RPC_USERNAME and DEFAULT_RPC_PASSWORD via passing environment variables to container, during start.

Only DECKER AC is active to dPoW by default. If you want to add any other chains in m_notary_docker_test - feel free to add them, but you'll need to properly set-up rpcbind, rpcallowip, rpcuser and rpcpassword in their .conf file. Same applies and to KMD itself (i.e. you must change these variables in komodo.conf).

Start KMD and DECKER assetchains on docker host:

~/komodo/src/komodod -ac_name=DECKER -ac_supply=777777 -ac_reward=100000000 &
~/komodo/src/komodod -opretmintxfee=0.004 -minrelaytxfee=0.000035 &

Import privkeys to each daemon, using import_privkeys file contents as a helper.

Send the funds to the notaries addresses.

Launch containers

Launch containers automatically via:

source start_containers

To start one of containers in interactive mode:

sudo docker run --name iguana_<X> --privileged --network=bridge -it --rm -e PUBKEY="<PUBKEY>" -e PASSPHRASE="<PASSPHRASE>" iguana-test bash

where X is notary, and PUBKEY and PASSPHRASE are params of selected node from notaries.json. In case of starting the container manually in interactive mode, to start dPoW use the following:

cd $HOME/dPoW/iguana

Don't forget to attach to each container and do initial splitfunds:

curl -s --url "" --data '{"coin":"KMD","agent":"iguana","method":"splitfunds","satoshis":"10000","sendflag":1,"duplicates":"50"}'
curl -s --url "" --data '{"coin":"DECKER","agent":"iguana","method":"splitfunds","satoshis":"10000","sendflag":1,"duplicates":"50"}'

To connect to the container console use sudo docker exec -it iguana_X bash. To quit (detach console) and leave the container working press Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-Q inside docker interactive console.

To watch iguana log from specific container you can use sudo docker exec -it iguana_3 tail -f /root/dPoW/iguana/iguana.log.


How to check daemon connection from the inside of docker container?

Attach to the needed docker container:

sudo docker attach iguana_1

Or launch interactive shell in selected container:

sudo docker exec -it iguana_1 bash

Then, inside a container run:

# KMD example
curl --trace-time -v --user rpcuser:bitcoin123 --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
# DECKER example
curl --trace-time -v --user rpcuser:bitcoin123 --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

How to check the funds from the inside of docker container?

# KMD example
# check that ismine of your address is true
curl --trace-time -v --user rpcuser:bitcoin123 --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "validateaddress", "params": ["RHSKEzvQD9o3xScf7g64WEpRfGox6zpMYM"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' | jq .
# listunspent
curl --trace-time -v --user rpcuser:bitcoin123 --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params": [1, 99999999, ["RHSKEzvQD9o3xScf7g64WEpRfGox6zpMYM"]] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' | jq .

How to stop all runned docker containers?

sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q -a)

How to remove all stopped docker containers?

sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -q -a)

How to list all docker containers?

sudo docker ps -a