
OLD : Please use https://github.com/komodoservices/kmd-nomp

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Komodo - Node Open Mining Portal

This is a Komodo mining pool based off of Node Open Mining Portal.

This guide will install Komodod and KMD-Nomp.

This setup guide is intended for Ubuntu

Step 1. Update

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2. Install Dependencies for KMD

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate vim software-properties-common curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang

Step 3. Install Komodod

git clone https://github.com/jl777/komodo
cd komodo
./zcutil/build.sh -j8   (replace 8 with number of CPU threads you want to use) (this will take some time.)

Step 4. Create and Modify komodo.conf

mkdir .komodo
cd .komodo
nano komodo.conf

blocknotify=node /home/<user>/kmd-nomp/scripts/cli.js blocknotify komodo %s

Ctrl+X, then Y to save. 

Step 5. Install kmd-nomp

sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev npm redis-server
sudo npm install n -g
sudo n stable
git clone https://github.com/xrobesx/kmd-nomp
cd kmd-nomp
npm update
npm install

if libsodium package not found (ubuntu 14.04)

git clone https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium.git
cd libsodium
sudo make
sudo make install

Step 6. Restart Redis-server

sudo service redis-server restart

Step 7. Edit blockTemplate.js to remove this.rpcData.founders (from zcash)

cd kmd-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/
nano blockTemplate.js

replace line 26 with

var blockReward = (this.rpcData.miner) * 100000000;

if not done, it will generate an error

Step 8. KMD-Nomp Site Config File

cd kmd-nomp
cp config_example.json config.json
nano config.json

"website": {
        "enabled": true,
        "host": "",
        "port": 8080,
        "stratumHost": "",

Ctrl+X, then Y to save.

Step 9. Create KMD-Nomp

cd kmd-nomp/pool_configs
cp zclassic_example.json komodo.json
nano komodo.json

enabled": true,
    "coin": "komodo.json",
    "address": "t1dfrrxCHek2ts987VpZsRmFKBvdcBJ1Cqd",
    "_comment_address": "a transparent address to send coinbase rewards to and to transfer to zAddress.",
    "zAddress": "ztqgT4xsouCyjHXrFtXnDVgtvPRmURMgHQw2gd39dLdtoYkmPACScHturZjqsNdAPtP6JCLaWmZmYDqbjCMRgdCfQ2vjY2K",
    "_comment_zAddress": "a private address used to send coins to tAddress.",
    "tAddress": "tmLqYHEnCiL4dpktEKdAKeRjPdkxNtJVWfb",
    "_comment_tAddress": "transparent address used to send payments, make this a different address, otherwise payments will not send",

"paymentProcessing": {
        "enabled": false,
        "paymentInterval": 30,
        "minimumPayment": 1,
        "daemon": {
            "host": "",
            "port": <yourRpcport>,
            "user": "<yourRpcUserName>",
            "password": "<yourRpcPassword>"
    "ports": {
        "7777": {
            "diff": 0.05,
            "varDiff": {
                "minDiff": 0.04,
                "maxDiff": 16,
                "targetTime": 15,
                "retargetTime": 60,
                "variancePercent": 30
    "daemons": [
            "host": "",
            "port": <yourRpcport>,
            "user": "<yourRpcUserName>",
            "password": "<yourRpcPassword>"

Address Info for address : generate a new address in komodod --> cd komodo/src ./komodo-cli getnewaddress for zaddress: not necessary since payment processing is disabled -- although you can generate a zaddress for kmd and input there if you'd like for taddress: not necessary since payment processing is disabled -- although you can generate a new address and input there if you'd like

Also change RPCport, RPCusername and RPCpassword to the ones set in your komodod komodo.conf file.

Payment Processing is set to false. This is because there are currently bugs. The guide is using it for local mining.

Step 10. Start KMD-Nomp

cd kmd-nomp
npm start

Step 11. Check if KMD-Nomp is running

In a browser, type (default:8080, you specified in config.json) and the page should display.

Forked from https://github.com/joshuayabut/z-nomp