The detailed explanation could be found on Red Gate SimpleTalk's link 'SQLCLR in Practice: Creating a Better Way of Sending Email from SQL Server' https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/sql/sql-development/sqlclr-practice-creating-better-way-sending-email-sql-server/

Primary LanguageSQLPL

SQLCLR solution to replace 'sp_send_dbmail' with custom stored procedure

The code written in any .NET language to be incorporated into your SQL Server instance and called from a stored procedure or function

If you do not want to do anything with the source code, copy the t-sql script from 'Setup' directory to the SSMS.

In that script, replace the phrase 'your database name' with the real name of your database. Similar do with 'DataPath' and 'LogPath'.

This script also fills out the table of profiles.

Use the encryption program described in the article to fill the profile table.

To clean up environment, use CleanUp script located in 'Test' directory.

To send e-mail

EXEC [EMAIL].[CLRSendMail] @profileName = N'SimpleTalk' ,@mailTo = N'yourEmail@Email.com' ,@mailSubject = N'First test' ,@mailBody = N'Mail body';

To include query result in e-mail body

DECLARE @body as nvarchar(max)

SET @body = EMAIL.QueryToHtml('SELECT * FROM EMAIL.PROFILES', '', 'EMAIL.Profiles', '#', 2, 0, 'ST_BLUE')

EXEC [EMAIL].[CLRSendMail] @profileName = N'SimpleTalk' ,@mailTo = N'yourEmail@Email.com' ,@mailSubject = N'Test QueryToHtml' ,@mailBody = @body;

To include multiple query results in e-mail body

SET @body = (SELECT EMAIL.ConCatHtml(@body, (SELECT EMAIL.QueryToHtml('SELECT * FROM EMAIL.Configurations','', 'EMAIL.Configuration', '#', 2, 0, 'ST_RED')) ));

EXEC [EMAIL].[CLRSendMail] @profileName = N'SimpleTalk' ,@mailTo = N'yourEmail@Email.com' ,@mailSubject = N'Test ConCatHtml' ,@mailBody = @body;