[4x cores]
hello world!
hello world!
hello world!
hello world!

Topics [https://youtu.be/nE-xN4Bf8XI?list=PLLX-Q6B8xqZ8n8bwjGdzBJ25X2utwnoEG&t=285]


Will be learning with content which includes these links

Cheatsheet PDF for C++: [https://dzone.com/refcardz/core-cpp]
Cheatsheet PDF for OpenMP [https://www.openmp.org/resources/refguides/]

LearnXinYminutes: [https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/c++/]
🆓 Reference Book: [https://goalkicker.com/CPlusPlusBook/]
▶️ Youtube Playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE-xN4Bf8XI&list=PLLX-Q6B8xqZ8n8bwjGdzBJ25X2utwnoEG]

*The list of topics is based on this playlist.
Topic Completed Comment
Getting Started with OpenMP i liked the cmd-line docs.
01. Introduction --
02. Part 1 Module 1 introduction part1
02. Part 2 Module 1 introduction part 2
03. Module 2 The boring Bits: Using an OpenMP compiler (Hello World)
04. Discussion 1
05. Module 3
06. Discussion 2
07. Module 4
08. Discussion 3
09. Part 1 Module 5
09. Part 2 Module 5
10. Discussion 4
11. Part 1 Module 6
11. Part 2 Module 6
11. Part 3 Module 6
11. Part 4 Module 6
12. Module 7
13. Discussion 3
14. Module 8
15. Discussion 6
16. Module 9
17. Discussion 7
18. Module 10
19. Discussion 8
20. Module 11
21. Discussion 9
22. Recapitulation
The Core Features of OpenMP
Working with OpenMP
Advanced OpenMP Topics