
This is an example of web editor for MPS.

To make it work you need MPS Server. The example uses the WebEditKit framework, which is available on NPM.

Verify MPS Server is working

  1. clone the repo (
  2. if you had cloned before run a git pull and clean everything (git clean -fdX)
  3. execute './gradlew runLauncher'
  4. visit http://localhost:2904/modules -> You should see a large JSON file, this means MPS Server can get the list of modules
  5. visit http://localhost:2904/models/ -> You should see JSON data describing the root node used in the example, this means MPS Server is exposing it correctly

Verify calc-webeditik-example is working

We will be using the version of WebEditKit released on NPM, instead of building it ourselves.

  1. clone the repo (
  2. if you had cloned before run a git pull and clean everything (git clean -fdX)
  3. execute npm install
  4. execute sh
  5. open index.html in the browser (on mac I run open index.html or click on it) -> You should see a model displayed and no errors in the console
  6. edit the name of the calculations
  7. reload the page -> You should see the name of the calculations as you changed, it means the MPS models have been actually changed

Integrate MPS Server into your system

You want to typically edit your own solutions using your own languages.

The simplest way to do so is to create a project, include the MPS Server modules in it, and launch MPS Server from the MPS IDE (look for "Launch MPS Server" in your menu).

Build your own editors

You can build your own editors, using the WebEditKit framework. Take inspiration from what you see in calc-webeditkit-example, looks for different types of cells in the source of WebEditKit.

Give feedback

This is in a very early development stage, so please share your thoughts and provide feedback writing at