This terraform module is designed to help in using the AWS DLM Lifecycle. Each
volume that needs to be supported by the DLM Lifecycle must be tagged with
Snapshot = "true"
- AWS Terraform provider >= 2.46
module "dlm-lifecycle" {
source = "julien-langlois/dlm-lifecycle-policies/aws"
dlm_policies = [
{ description = "DLM7", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 7 days", start_time = "01:00", interval_hours = 4, retention_count = 7 },
{ description = "DLM14", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 14 days", start_time = "04:00", interval_hours = 12, retention_count = 14 },
{ description = "DLM30", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 30 days", start_time = "21:00", interval_hours = 2, retention_count = 30 }
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
unique_name | Enter Unique Name to identify the Terraform Stack (lowercase) | string | v1 |
no |
stack_prefix | Stack Prefix for resource generation | string | dlm_lifecycle |
no |
dlm_policies | Policies to be created | list(map(string)) | "" | yes |
Name | Description |
arn | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DLM Lifecycle Policy |
id | Identifier of the DLM Lifecycle Policy |
AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy: