AWS DLM Lifecycle (Data Lifecycle Manager)

This terraform module is designed to help in using the AWS DLM Lifecycle. Each volume that needs to be supported by the DLM Lifecycle must be tagged with Snapshot = "true".



module "dlm-lifecycle" {
  source = "julien-langlois/dlm-lifecycle-policies/aws"

  dlm_policies = [
    { description = "DLM7", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 7 days", start_time = "01:00", interval_hours = 4, retention_count = 7 },
    { description = "DLM14", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 14 days", start_time = "04:00", interval_hours = 12, retention_count = 14 },
    { description = "DLM30", snapshot_name = "Rolling backup 30 days", start_time = "21:00", interval_hours = 2, retention_count = 30 }


Name Description Type Default Required
unique_name Enter Unique Name to identify the Terraform Stack (lowercase) string v1 no
stack_prefix Stack Prefix for resource generation string dlm_lifecycle no
dlm_policies Policies to be created list(map(string)) "" yes


Name Description
arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DLM Lifecycle Policy
id Identifier of the DLM Lifecycle Policy

Related documentation

AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy: