
公农历互转组件( date converter between solar and lunar )

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JS版公农历互转组件( date converter between solar and lunar )


    var cc  =new CalendarConverter;

    cc.solar2lunar(new Date(2011, 0, 3)); ---> 2010,11,29
    cc.lunar2solar(new Date(2010, 10, 29)); ----> 2011, 1, 3

During the conversion from lunar to solar, if that month is a leap month, then you need to pass an additional parameter.

cc.solar2lunar(new Date(2012, 4, 27)); ---> 2012年5月初7, 其中 isLeap为true,表示为闰四月
    cc.lunar2solar(new Date(2012, 3, 7)) ---> 得到错误时间:2012, 4, 27
    cc.lunar2solar(new Date(2012, 3, 7), true) --> 正确: 2012, 5, 27

       cDay: "戊戌"
        , cMonth: "丁未"
        , cYear: "壬辰"
        , isLeap: false             // 该月是否为闰月
        , lDay: 18
        , lMonth: 6
        , lYear: 2012
        , lunarDay: "十八"
        , lunarFestival: ""
        , lunarMonth: "六"
        , lunarYear: "龙"
        , sDay: 5
        , sMonth: 8
        , sYear: 2012
    , solarFestival: ""         // 节日 (Festivals)
        , solarTerms: ""            // 节气
        , week: "日"                // 周几

###特别鸣谢(Thanks loads):###

该组件是在网络上现有JS版公历转农历插件基础上开发,由于不能确切找出原始开发人员,无法在此列出,特此鸣谢。(This plugin is referenced by many other online resources. I can't list them here for i don't know them or notify them. If any author see this, contact me.)


###协议许可(License): ###

  • calendar-converter在遵守MIT许可协议下提供(calendar-converter is available under the terms of the MIT license)