
WebComponents.org is where community-members document Web Components best practices

Primary LanguageCSS

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WebComponents.org is a place for web component authors to discuss and share best practices, patterns and learning resources.


This site is made with DocPad, a static generator in Node, and the best way to install it is via NPM.

First, you need to clone the project:

$ git clone git@github.com:webcomponents/webcomponents.github.io.git

Then go to the folder and install all dependencies:

$ cd webcomponents.org
$ npm install

Now you're good to go!


DocPad has three basic options used in this project:

To regenerate the site as you edit and save files, which can be viewed at http://localhost:9778, run:

$ npm run-script watch

To generate a static version of the site, that is ready to upload to a server (it will create a folder called out), run:

$ npm run-script generate

To generate and send the output to gh-pages branch, run:

$ npm run-script deploy


We use Grunt, a task-runner in Node, to automate things.

To install it and all the other dependencies, run:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

To install Bower dependencies, run:

$ grunt bower

To check performance regressions, run:

$ grunt pagespeed

P.S.: You'll need to generate a PageSpeed API key and defined it as an environment variable.

Browser Support

We do care about it.

IE Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
IE 9+ ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔


WebComponents.org is maintained by these people and a bunch of awesome contributors.

Zeno Addy Eric Briza Alex
Zeno Rocha Addy Osmani Eric Bidelman Briza Bueno Alex Komoroske
Eduardo Pascal Bernard Sindre Rob
Eduardo L. Pascal Precht Bernard De L. Sindre Sorhus Rob Dodson


See the Contributing guide.


Source code is available under MIT license and content is under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.