
Group project for SICSS 2019 using scraped car prices from ebay Kleinanzeigen

Primary LanguageR

Measuring Regional Inequality With Used Car Prices

Interactive Map of the analysis

This repository represents a incomplete version for a web-scraping group project during the Princeton Summer Institute for Computational Social Science in Bamberg 2019. Members of this group were Marc Luettecke, Florian Gilberg, Manuel Kleinert, Alexander Brand and Johannes Geiger.

The project aimed to use web-scraping techniques to retrieve data for used cars sold on ebay Kleinanzeigen (The German equivalent of Craigslist) for selected regions and combine this data with indicators of income and potential economic inequality, as well as data on car theft in the examined regions. We hypothesized that these external factors significantly influence the median price of the vehicles for sale. First results can be found in our group presentation.

OLS Regression of effects on car price

This repository contains the scraper and the complete code for all steps of our analysis, which was completely done in R. In addition we compiled an interactive map as a potential tool for policy advisors and prospective car sellers/buyers - due to file size limits the leaflet map cant be hosted on github but can be viewed by downloading and extracting this zip file. Unfortunately no further analyses was feasible during the 4 day project.